Which Chakra Is Associated With Fear?

Disruption or depletion in the body's energy supply can lead to a variety of physical and mental ailments. Blockages in the flow of energy can lead to psychological symptoms such as anxiety and worry if they are caused by a stressful environment, problems in one's personal life, losses, or trauma. Anxiety levels can be reduced by balancing your chakras, which helps restore the flow of energy in your body.

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A Brief History on Chakras

Chakras, which mean “wheel” in Sanskrit, are regarded as the body's energy centers. “Prana” (life force) flows smoothly through the chakras, which are the locations where major nerves connect. The blockage of energy, according to Hindu and Buddhist belief, is harmful to one's physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

As early as 5,000 B.C. in India (called prana) and 3,000 B.C. in China (called ch'i), people began to believe in the existence of a universal life energy that permeates our physical bodies. A quantifiable energy field connected with the body is known by many names, including prana, ch'i, shakti, aura, and biofield. A number of researchers have established that the body's physical functioning is directly linked to its bioenergy field, which is monitored by equipment like the Electrocardiograph (EKG).

A total of seven major chakras, or plexuses, exist in the body, all of which are linked to certain nerves. The neurological system and the endocrine glands are thought to be affected by these seven sites. The seven rays of the spectrum light, or rainbow, are associated with each chakra. A bioenergy or auric field is affected by electromagnetic waves of different colors.

Root Chakra

The Root chakra is the first chakra to open. The color red is associated with this chakra, which is located in the tailbone. Linked to the adrenal medulla, the gland that controls the body's fight or flight response (which is what you might feel at the onset of a panic attack). One's sense of security and survival are regulated by the Root chakra. Depleted, despairing, ungrounded, anxious and lonely are some of the symptoms of an imbalance in the third chakra. Add the color red to your environment and your body in order to harmonize this chakra. Wearing a garnet stone or eating berries in the color red can help you feel more confident.

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Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra, located in the lower abdomen, is connected to the color orange. It is the second chakra to be explored. Adrenal glands and the genitourinary tract are related to it. This chakra governs our basic emotional and sexual desires, as well as our ability to express ourselves and our sense of self-worth. Emotional imbalance and loneliness can result when this chakra is out of balance. Carnelian stones, orange food, and orange clothing can all be used to activate this chakra and bring it back into balance.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra in the body. Under your ribs and in your diaphragm, this chakra is linked to yellow. In addition to the digestive system, the adrenal glands are linked to it. This chakra is in charge of balancing our fears, as well as our self-confidence and intuition. Fears, eating disorders, worry, and a lack of control are all symptoms of an imbalance in this chakra. Adding yellow flowers, wearing a yellow citrine crystal, or adding lemon to your water can help you balance this chakra.

Heart Chakra

For those of you who are interested in learning more about your body's seven chakras, here's a breakdown of each one: As a part of the endocrine system and the heart, it is linked to the thymus. In terms of compassion, this chakra is linked to feelings of self-love, as well as feelings of connection and safety. In a state of imbalance this chakra, we feel isolated, forlorn, and unwanted. This chakra can be balanced by adding greenery to your environment, wearing a green jade, and eating more leafy greens.

Throat Chakra

You can find this color related with the Throat chakra, which can be found in your throat. It's linked to the thyroid and affects our sense of safety, leadership, self-expression, and openness in our communication with one another. Anxiety, paralysis, and insecurity are all symptoms of an imbalance in this chakra. Connecting with the ocean is a great way to re-energise this chakra. Wearing Lapis Lazuli or eating blueberries can help you sleep better.

Third-Eye Chakra

The hue indigo is related with the Third-Eye chakra, which is placed between your eye brows. Instinct, ideas, and dreams are all controlled by the pineal gland which is linked to the hypothalamus. When this chakra is out of whack, we may experience mood swings, difficulties sleeping, and a lack of access to our intuition. Make sure you wear an azurite stone or utilize lavender essential oils in order to balance this chakra.

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra, placed at the top of the head and linked to the color violet, is the seventh chakra in the chakra wheel. The pituitary and the central nervous system are intertwined through this structure's placement. It is linked to our spirituality, inner wisdom, and imagination. We feel melancholy, despondent, bewildered, and alienated when this chakra is out of balance. Wear amethyst, eat figs, and decorate with violets if you want to keep this chakra in harmony.

Identify Imbalances to Correct Your Energy Flow

Brightening up your living place and eating a more nutritious diet are two simple ways to reduce your stress levels. Begin with one chakra and work your way up to the others. So that you may pay proper attention to each and every part of your energy flow system, this method is ideal. Once you've identified your symptoms and their connection to your chakras, utilize the ideas to restore the energy flow and alleviate your worry..

Set your intention

Set your purpose on your root chakra and urge it to open up and assist you, Brunius advises. Give it permission to begin healing, and be brave enough to face any emotions and old memories that come up as they do,” he advises.

Follow online guided visualizations

On the internet, there are guided visualizations that walk you through a breathing exercise to visualize the root chakra opening and strengthening, as well as releasing any bad energy that is stuck in it,” adds Brunius. This one has his seal of approval:

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Is fear in root chakra?

  • The bladder, colon/large intestine, skeleton, foot, leg, teeth, and arterial blood flow to the left chamber of the heart are all included.
  • Flowing energy: We feel safe, at home and fearless when this chakra is open/balanced.
  • Root Chakra is out of whack because of fear and other sorts of trauma. eating disorder and sluggishness are both present.
  • Anxiety disorders, fear, panic attacks, worry, overthinking, sadness, nightmares, emotional disconnection, and anger/rage are all signs of blockage in the mind and body.
  • Inflammation, cramping, and drowsiness are all physical indications indicating a blockage in the colon, the bladder, or the lower back, left arm, leg, or foot. Prostate issues can arise in men. A root chakra imbalance may also be the cause of an eating disorder.
  • Physical energies are governed by the Root Chakra, which gives us a sense of safety, trust, and security in the world around us. Root chakra must be balanced before any of the other chakras may be healed, cleared, or flow freely.

Which chakra is related to depression?

Chakras are a hot topic these days. There are a plethora of excellent writings on the subject of chakras out there, so I won't waste your time (or mine) by reiterating the material here. It is generally agreed that there are seven primary chakras along the spine, which correlate to important centers of the neurological system and specific organs and glands. Each chakra has a distinct color and function that can be focused on through clothes, food, crystals, essential oils, movement activities, and more. Each chakra has its own set of affirmations. When all of the chakras are open and balanced, the mind and body are better able to communicate with each other. However, as with many aspects of the human condition, our chakras are not always perfectly aligned.

  • At the base of your spine, you'll find the Root Chakra, which is associated with feelings of safety and security. This chakra's symptoms can be traced back to a variety of childhood traumas or specific life events. Fear-based decision making, motivated by a scarcity mindset, is a common manifestation of this lack of grounding. Root chakra problems can lead to problems in the rest of the chakras since they rely on the energy that flows up from this foundation.

Channel anything red, earthy, and firmly rooted to balance the root chakra. Keep an eye out for red in the world and allow it to energize your third eye chakra. Imagining a scarlet silky ribbon wrapped around my body is one of my favorite ways to deal with stress here.

  • The Sacral Chakra is positioned in the pelvis and is responsible for the flow of emotions, creativity, and sexuality, among other things. Depression, addiction, and general emotional instability can all lead to blockages in this area. There may be concerns here that are more physically manifested, such as stiff hip muscles or changes in sexual function. Sacral chakra issues are the most difficult for me to open up about, which makes sense given that they exist in the realm of nonverbal emotions.

Feelings are more important than intellect when it comes to repairing your sacral chakra. Spend time meditating on the color orange and engaging in imaginative pursuits. My yoga instructor once told me that emotions are housed in the hips, and she couldn't have been more correct. This chakra can be opened by doing deep hip openers for a long time (half pigeon, butterfly legs, etc.). You'll get extra marks if you warm up with some interpretative dancing that involves moving your booty. Be prepared to shed a few tears either way.

  • For those of you who are interested in personal power, this chakra is located just below your sternum. Having a hard time believing in yourself is a sign that you may be carrying some trapped energy. Blockages in this chakra can manifest as digestive disorders because it is located close to the stomach and intestines (i.e. nervous butterflies in your stomach). Root and sacral chakra difficulties can also emerge in the solar plexus, which is where you could feel anxious and unsure of yourself if you've had a period of instability.

For the solar plexus, use a lot of yellow, as well as warm breathing exercises like the ujjayi pranayama that is utilized in most yoga programs. In your workouts, push yourself to keep going for longer than you think you can. Make a few “I am” affirmations to yourself while looking in the mirror. Make every effort to unleash the full force of your inner might.

  • The chakra of the heart is likely the most easily grasped by the average person. The ability to love and be loved is centered in this region, which is close to the physical heart. There is also a connection here between the lower, more physically oriented chakra and the higher, spiritually oriented chakras. It's possible for mental disease to flourish when we're cut off from one another and don't have enough self-esteem. When your heart chakra is in distress, it's nearly impossible to work on your mental wellness.

Healing the chakra of the heart can also be an emotional journey. Your food, your clothing, and even the environment around you should all be adorned with shades of green. Perform yoga asanas that open the heart, chest, and shoulders. It helps to imagine a warm, healing green light entering your heart area, coupled with memories of feelings of love.

  • It is the Throat Chakra's job to express yourself. Think back to those times when you spoke up, or felt like you had something to say but couldn't quite get it out. You may have felt a lump in your throat, which is a sign of blocked energy in your throat chakra. Having the courage to ask for what you need is essential to resolving any problem, but especially those involving mental health.

With the help of a bright blue light in the center of your throat, you may cure this chakra. You can start your day with a few mild neck rolls to get the blood circulating. In the morning, add some blueberries to your oats. Take advantage of any and all opportunities for self-expression that allow you to be who you really are.

  • Intuition is housed in the Third-Eye Chakra, which is situated between the brows. From this vantage point, you may see yourself objectively and tap into your own inner wisdom. Dissociation is a common symptom of trauma and mental illness, and it can occur when your energy is concentrated in this chakra and your imagination serves as a means of escaping reality. The strength of this chakra is immense, and it has the ability to remove us from the situation we are in.

A focus on the crown chakra might be especially beneficial when meditating in the middle of the head. Using your thumbs to move energy from your third eye to your brows and then to your temple can be a soothing experience. The third-eye color of choice is a deep indigo, although I've also heard that chocolate is beneficial to the third eye. That's not something I'm going to debate over.

  • The Crown Chakra is located right above the top of the head. In order to enter the broader universe, we must first pass through this doorway. Even though it may be challenging, it can be easily stated that if any of the other chakras are imbalanced, then the crown chakra cannot function properly. A lack of balance in this area might manifest itself in rigid attitudes about religion and spirituality that make it difficult to progress.

In order to heal this chakra, you need first focus on the bottom six. This chakra does not respond as much to physical stimuli like colors, so you can focus on violet if you like. Pay attention to the wonderful golden glow cast on the leaves by the light that travels from the sun. Be amazed by the intangible wonders that can only be completely appreciated through the crown chakra.

Despite the fact that chakras can be highly complicated, they can also be incredibly simple. Even a simple intention to bring positive energy to a specific chakra can have a significant influence. There is no right or wrong way to work with chakras; you can be as complicated or as simple in your approach. I believe that the most significant aspect of these actions is the awareness and intention that goes into them. Pay attention to what your body is attempting to tell you when you focus on a certain color. Consciously nourishing your body in a manner that corresponds with its needs can have significant benefits. Even if you haven't read about a particular practice or belief in regard to a chakra here or elsewhere, you should trust your intuition and follow it. It's amazing how much intelligence our species has all by itself. In order to assist that understanding shine through, you can use the practice of coming in touch with your chakras.

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To my meditation school, Psychic Horizons, for teaching me how to use this knowledge to my own life, and to mindbodygreen and well+good, for putting out outstanding material about chakras.

Is it bad to open chakras?

The chakras, according to the yoga philosophy, are closed and therefore do not operate in the normal human state, which is rarely transcended until via long-term spiritual practice. Ignorance, not sickness, is the end result of this situation. Being ignorant of one's true Self is a state of mind in which one focuses on the exterior world rather than on one's own true nature, which is thoughtless awareness. However, a person can have all of his or her chakras open and he or she can still be thriving in many aspects of life. As a means of expanding one's ability in the usual realms of human existence, opening one's chakras is not necessary.

As far as traditional yoga is concerned, the chakras only play a minor role in the functioning of the body.

The spine has come to be known as the sushumna nadi, or core channel, in the modern understanding of chakras as power centers within the physical body. Different spinal centers and the physiological processes they control are associated with the chakras. Traditional yoga, on the other hand, sees the chakras as only having a secondary effect on physical functions.

Chakras are often confused with their physical counterparts because of a lack of awareness of the subtle body's nature and function. Comparable to the physical body, the subtle body also has a similar shape. As a result, we cannot perceive it with our physical senses since it consists of a smaller amount of matter than space in the physical world. For the most part this is a realm that we can only access in a dream state or when we die. Without the subtle body, the physical body would not even be able to function. In spite of the veil of physical conditions, the subtle body is always active within the physical body and is the source of its energy.

The subtle body's chakras are not part of its normal functioning. Only when one has reached a higher level of consciousness or has experienced spiritual awakening do they play a meaningful role. They symbolize the merging of the subtle body with the higher consciousness. Despite the fact that physical and subtle body components and functions can be correlated, it is important to remember that they are not the same, and the spiritually expanded astral or subtle body is an altogether different entity.


To work properly, the chakras require an energy source that is far more powerful than the body's own. Kundalini, or snake power, rests latent in the subtle body and serves this purpose. No matter how much one tries, it's impossible to control the flow of Kundalini with one's own willpower. Consistent awareness or concentration is Kundalini's concentrated energy. It is not a separate energy, but rather the energy that manifests with consciousness when it is no longer thought of as separate.. Kundalini can only be activated if a person has a single-mindedness of mind, because only then can one get beyond cognition.

Prana, or life force, must enter the sushumna, or core channel, for kundalini to awaken. When the prana is disengaged from its fixation on the external world, this results in the prana being able to flow freely. We can't withdraw our life force into the central channel as long as we're attached to our physical body and its activities. It's for this reason that we must enter samadhi in order to awaken and open the chakras, and this is why it's so important to do so. It begins with a trance-like state in which we lose awareness of our actual body. Even in the waking state, it can be done without any physical harm, but the physical body is no longer perceived as one's actual identity at this point.

The chakras are named after the elements they govern, which is a more accurate and straightforward manner of naming them.

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What chakra is fear of death?

IAST: Svdhihna, English: “where your being is founded” in Sanskrit. “Swa” means one's own self, while “adhishthana” means something that has already been proven.) According to Hindu Tantrism, the sacral chakra, or second fundamental chakra, is located in the lower abdomen. Fear, in particular the fear of death, is supposed to obstruct this chakra.

Which chakra is related to stress?

Panic disorder affects almost 6 million adults in the United States. Panic attacks, according to Lymath, can affect the chakras in an indirect way.

The fight-or-flight response is controlled by the adrenal medulla, which is located deep within the adrenal gland.

“The root chakra is shut down when you feel insecure and afraid for your life. This prevents the root chakra from sending energy to other parts of your body. “The other chakras may then get blocked as a result of a cascading effect.

What chakra is trust?

Most of the time, I believe in myself. The root chakra, the first chakra in the spine, is closely linked to one's sense of trust. We can trace its etymology back to the Sanskrit term Muladhara. “root” is mula, and “support” or “base” is adhara. Like the roots of a tree, you can conceive of it this way: It's what keeps you grounded, it's what takes energy from the environment around you, and it's what keeps you on a healthy path. There is a lot of emphasis in the root system on safety, security, health, and a sense of self-worth.

Which chakra is for mental health?

Known as the heart chakra, it's linked to feelings of compassion and empathy. It's in the middle of the chest, but not where the organ is. Emotional healing and sound mental health are the primary functions of this chakra. Voice and creativity are related with this chakra.

What chakra is blocked by sadness?

If you're experiencing sadness, your Heart Chakra is out of balance. You don't have to fight your emotions if you're feeling sad or down. It's up to you whether or not you allow it to happen.

What chakra controls emotions?

First, let's take a closer look at the seven chakras. In the lower belly, it's placed immediately below the navel, and in the back, it's found in the lumbar spine. It's related with the color orange, and with the element water, respectively. The genitals, the lower back, and the abdomen are all associated with it.

The sacral chakra is the seat of pleasure and the source of all emotions. In our sexuality and the expression of our sexual needs and desires, it has an active part to play.

If a person has an imbalance or an underactive sacral chakra, they may exhibit behaviors that are dominated by despair, detachment and indulgence as well as aggressiveness, oversensitivity, fear and anxiety. Also, symptoms such as anemia, hypoglycemia, lower back discomfort and joint difficulties can be caused by an imbalance of the sacral chakra. These include spleen and kidney troubles and premenstrual syndrome.

Take a seat in a quiet area where you won't be disturbed. If you're sitting on a chair, make sure your feet are firmly planted on the floor. Ensure your sit bones and spine are tall if you're sitting on the floor.

Begin by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. After you've had a moment to calm down, ask yourself the following questions and see what resonates with you. Are any of them difficult for you to answer? Allow yourself to be guided by this and learn about yourself, including whether or not your second chakra is blocked.

When you do good deeds for others, are you doing it because you truly care about them, or are you doing it to get their attention or affection?

Whether you believe that life is a struggle, a battle, or a challenge, you have to decide for yourself.

As a result of using essential oils like patchouli, bergamot, sandalwood and clary sage, as well as essential oils such as jasmine, orange and rose

To heal and activate the flow of energy through the sacra, include orange into your life, your office, and your house. Introduce orange into your life by wearing or wearing orange jewelry.

Learn how to let go. We can get physically and emotionally exhausted from carrying around too much emotional baggage. Writing a journal (see our guide to journal writing) LINK TO JOURNAL BLOG or chatting to a close friend can help you release repressed feelings and help you feel lighter and more at ease.

Go for a swim, sit by a pool or sea, or just run yourself a bath with aromatic oils to relax your sacral chakra.

We can express our emotions and enjoy pleasure through the sacral chakra in yoga. Hip opening exercises will be highly beneficial because a lot of our emotions are held in our hips.

The sacral chakra is nourished by foods that are high in healthy fats. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon and flaxseed are excellent for this chakra. Various orange fruits and vegetables, such as mandarins and tangerines, are good for the sacral chakra since they are rich in vitamin C.

Use a combination of healing procedures, techniques, and food to rebalance yourself if any of this chakra information resonates with you. It takes time to make a change, but once you make the decision to do so, it can happen quickly.