What Is Yellow Chakra?

Yellow is the hue associated with the Manipura Chakra, the third chakra in the chakra system. This color is associated with a person's affinity to the fire and sun, as well as their ability to think quickly and creatively. Young people, fresh starts, new beginnings and rebirth are all represented by the color yellow. Knowledge and intellect can be found in the shade of yellow. There are a lot of people that like the color yellow, and they're interested in learning new things.

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The element of fire

Manipura Chakra's linked element is fire. The sun's energy is another name for it. To achieve success and good health, we need to have a strong sense of purpose, which is fueled by the element fire. Burnout might occur if you spend too much time in your third chakra. However, a lack of self-confidence can lead to feelings of weakness, dread, and inaction. The Solar Plexus Chakra is the source of our sensations of love and happiness, and they rise to the heart chakra from there.

A healthy digestive system relies heavily on the Solar Plexus Chakra's fire energy to properly absorb nutrients.

Manipura Chakra and emotions

The solar plexus is where the body's fire element, Agni, manifests itself. The Manipura Chakra, located in the heart of the physical and astral bodies, is responsible for attracting and managing prana, or life force. The Solar Plexus Chakra can get blocked if there is too much fire or too much energy in it, which can lead to impulsive behaviors like rage and aggressiveness.

What color chakra is yellow?

You'll find your solar plexus chakra, which is related with the color yellow, when you move from the lower abdominal to the upper abdomen. In terms of self-worth and self-esteem, this chakra focuses on self-confidence and self-worth.

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What happens when solar plexus chakra is blocked?

Gastric or digestive disorders such as stomach ache, heartburn and acid reflux are classic physiological signs that the solar plexus chakra is out of harmony. The solar plexus chakra can also be linked to more serious diseases such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, and even eating disorders. Although this is a spiritual notion, it should not be used to substitute the advice of a medical professional.

Improper accountability, an over-reliance on control and a victim attitude can all be linked to this chakra on an emotional level.

The solar plexus chakra can be re-aligned with yoga. Bow posture, boat pose, lion pose, mountain pose, warrior pose, and the seated spinal twist are all asanas that can help open this chakra. This third chakra yoga, energetic for willpower and motivation, or affirmations and yoga for confidence and self-esteem are all great options. This chakra can be balanced by movement in general, since exercise can aid to cultivate a sense of strength, growth, and power in the individual.

You can also make use of a wide range of emotional and mental resources. As an example of a visualization, imagine inhaling and exhaling golden light from the solar plexus while imagining the chakra expanding as you do. Try a solar plexus chakra meditation like the ones I've listed here. “Ram” can also be used to restore balance to the solar plexus chakra by long-suffering through a drawn-out word. Remember to say “rom,” not “ram,” like the animal, while pronouncing this word.

Chakra-balancing practice can benefit from the use of affirmations, as well. However, they can be taken at any time during the day when the solar plexus might benefit from a little extra energy boost. A handful of these can be spoken in front of the mirror each morning as a way to start your day. Here are some solar plexus chakra affirmations:

To balance the chakras in a more passive fashion, you can utilize aromatherapy and essential oils to diffuse while you are doing other activities, whether or not they are chakra-related. Try smells like cedarwood, bergamot, rosemary, and chamomile for the solar plexus chakra.

One of the simplest ways to help the solar plexus chakra is to make little choices that give you a sense of personal authority and authenticity! Even the tiniest everyday decisions can aid in the alignment of the solar plexus chakra, whether it's choosing a certain color, article of clothing, perfume, or hairstyle to wear.

Get in touch with the fire of the solar plexus with the help of this guide. If you want to feel a little more fiery, there are a few sites you should check out. If you want to see blazing red-orange rocks, go to Nevada's Valley of Fire or any other of the many deserts in the American Southwest. Pay a visit to Antelope Canyon in Arizona, as well. Travel to a volcano if you're looking for something a little unusual. Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii may be the best place to visit. Burning Man is also an option for individuals who are looking for something a little more daring. Even if you can't take a trip like this, even a few minutes in the sun can have a positive impact.

What chakra colors mean?

Each of the seven chakras corresponds to a specific energy center in the body. It's time to take a look at the seven chakra colors and their significance. Each chakra's description can be accessed by clicking on a chakra in the table below:

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Muladhara, the Root Chakra: Red Color

Muladhara, the Sanskrit term for “support” or “pillar,” is the name given to the first chakra. On your coccyx is where you have what's called your root or sacral chakra because it's directly where your spine ends. There are many different ways to think about the root chakra, Muladhara – it provides prana to all other chakras. As a rule of thumb, it is stated that one-half of the root chakra is outside of one's physical body. To get Kundalini energy into the body, this is where it all starts!

The color red. The color red has the most dense vibration and is the most exciting of all the colors. Think of how you feel when you see a stop signal or a splatter of blood. When the root chakra senses danger, we respond swiftly. It is a critical source of energy, courage, and vigor.

Survival is a recurring theme. Fighting or fleeing; instinct; stability; material safety; trust; and security; trust. Our desire, physical strength, and sexuality are also influenced by the root chakra.

When the Muladhara chakra is in harmony, you experience an abundance of vital prana, as well as a strong sense of will, determination, and endurance. Earth and nature are important, as is the need to protect oneself. Your financial, mental, physical and spiritual well-being is secure.

Laziness, narcissism, and existential dread are all symptoms of Muladhara chakra imbalance. Anger, bitterness, and over-worrying pile up. Clinging to people who make you feel safe is common. Discomfort in the colon, sciatica, lower back pain, hemorrhoids, prostate difficulties and menstrual cramps are all possible physical symptoms.

Associating crystals include agate, bloodstone, hematite, Tiger's Eye, and smokey quartz.

Svadisthana, the Sacral Chakra: Orange Color

The sacral chakra is located directly above the sex organs and below the navel, just above the root chakra. It is the hub of your creative and pleasant experiences. The root chakra provides the foundation for exploration, while the sacral chakra provides the energy and passion to get out there and explore. The earth energy of the root chakra is transformed by the svadisthana chakra into creative and pleasurable energy. Your sensations of bliss are linked to this lively, flexible, and feminine energy, but it's not only about hedonism! It is possible to have too much of a good thing. It is also through the sacral chakra that you can access your own inner wisdom and quiet, as well as further your own personal development.

Orange is the primary color in the rainbow. Bright orange exudes energy and vigor, and it's a happy color to be around. In terms of color, it's a perfect balance of red and yellow (rooted and powerful). It's sensuous and has ties to Tantra, a spiritual path that involves raising the kundalini energy in the spine to achieve enlightenment.

Water, procreation, sexuality, artistic expression, empathy, enjoyment, intuition, and wisdom are some of the major themes explored in this book. Healer and compassionate, the sacral chakra is.

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Having a well-balanced Svadisthana chakra means that your capacity for creative thinking is at its peak. A positive outlook on sexuality and body image, as well as a willingness to tolerate and empathize with others' imperfections, characterizes you. There is a strong sense of self-determination and a burning drive to discover new things. You have a positive outlook on life and a zest for life.

Sacral chakra imbalance is a sure sign of poor sexual boundaries, or svadisthana chakra imbalance. When it comes to your sexual desires, you could feel out of control or incredibly repressed. A blocked sacral chakra can cause feelings of resentment, jealousy, fear, infertility, inability to have a healthy sexual experience, and a host of other issues.

Fish, marine life, rushing water, moonlight, sun warmth, and reproduction are all examples of nature's beauty.

ManiPura, the Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow Color

The fundamental source of your personal and professional success comes from the ManiPura chakra, which is located at the base of your spine. Self-control and the ability to show respect for yourself and others are examples of self-determination. When you know who you are and are confident in your abilities to express yourself in the world, you have tapped into this chakra's power. Just below the heart, the solar plexus chakra is situated.

It's a yellow color. Your sense of self is illuminated by the power of yellow, which glows brightly like the sun when it's revealed.

It's all about the self-esteem! A source of motivation and drive. Like the buzz of an engine. Leaving a mark on the world through making an impact. Optimism, youth, intelligence, and a heartfelt sense of humanity.

The ManiPura chakra is in a state of equilibrium because you are cultivating your skills while also asserting yourself with gentleness. You have a strong sense of self-awareness and self-belief. You are self-assured and have a sense of self-worth. You eat well and exercise regularly, and you feel strong, independent, and free.

When you have an imbalance in the ManiPura chakra, your fear is converted into pent-up hostility, a yearning for the final word, and an unbalanced competition with others. Getting a good night's sleep is difficult for you, and you frequently suffer from nightmares and tension. As a result of your inability to accept responsibility for your own mistakes, you're abrasive, controlling, and manipulative. Angry and obsessive thoughts arise when you are the target of criticism.

What is Kundalini Yoga and How is it Different from Hatha/Vinyasa? might be of interest to you.

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My YouTube Chakra Challenge with Yoga and Meditation for each Chakra is now available.

How do I activate my yellow chakra?

Using the Solar Plexus Chakra as a portal

  • Manipura incense and essential oils can be used to achieve this. Aromatherapy has the ability to awaken our sense of self-worth and self-determination.

Is yellow a power color?

When it comes to emotional impact, yellow stands head and shoulders above the others. The human eye is able to detect yellow because it is the most prominent color in the visual spectrum. According to history and common sense, the color yellow is associated with a positive outlook on life.

What chakra causes anxiety?

Physical and psychological changes can occur when energy is interrupted or depleted. This can lead to sickness and imbalance in the body. Blockages in the flow of energy can lead to psychological symptoms such as anxiety and worry if they are caused by a stressful environment, problems in one's personal life, losses, or trauma. Anxiety levels can be reduced by balancing your chakras, which helps restore the flow of energy in your body.

A Brief History on Chakras

Chakras, which mean “wheel” in Sanskrit, are regarded as the body's energy centers. Major nerve points and life power (prana) flow harmoniously in the chakras. According to Hindu and Buddhist traditions, a blockage in the flow of energy can have detrimental effects on a person's health.

5,000 B.C. in India and 3,000 B.C. in China, the idea of a universal life force flowing through our bodies was first proposed. A quantifiable energy field connected with the body is known by many names, including prana, ch'i, shakti, aura, and biofield. Numerous studies have looked at the bioenergy field and discovered a connection between it and the body's physical functioning using instruments like the Electrocardiograph (EKG).

There are seven major chakras in the body, each linked to a specific nerve point or plexus. The neurological system and endocrine glands are thought to be affected by these seven sites. Rainbow colors are associated with each chakra, and each chakra corresponds to one of the seven rays of spectrum light. Bioenergy or the auric field is influenced by the electromagnetic waves of color light.

Root Chakra

The Root chakra is the first chakra to open. The color red is associated with this chakra, which is located in the tailbone. Linked to the adrenal medulla, which controls the body's fight or flight response (which is what you might feel at the onset of a panic attack). One's sense of safety and survival are regulated by the Root chakra. Depleted, despairing, ungrounded, anxious and lonely are some of the symptoms of an imbalance in the third chakra. Add the color red to your environment and your body in order to harmonize this chakra. Wearing a garnet stone or eating berries in the color red can help you feel more confident.

Sacral Chakra

Orange is the color linked with the Sacral chakra, which is located in the pelvis. The adrenal glands and the genitourinary system are linked to it. Emotional and sexual basic needs, as well as creativity and self-confidence, are all governed by this chakra. A misaligned throat chakra can lead to feelings of loneliness and emotional disarray, as well as problems with substance abuse and reliance. Use the color orange to bring harmony to this chakra by donning a carnelian stone, eating more oranges, or dressing in orange.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus chakra is the third chakra. Under your ribs and in your diaphragm, this chakra is linked to yellow. In addition to the digestive system, the adrenal glands are linked to it. This chakra is in charge of regulating our feelings of inadequacy, dread, and self-control. Fears, eating disorders, anxiety, and a lack of control are all symptoms of imbalance in this chakra. Wear a yellow citrine crystal or add lemon to your drink to activate this chakra. Yellow flowers and citrine crystals can also help.

Heart Chakra

For those of you who are interested in learning more about your body's seven chakras, here's a breakdown of each one: An important part of our body's nervous system is located in this area. In terms of compassion, this chakra is linked to feelings of self-love, as well as feelings of connection and safety. In a state of imbalance this chakra, we feel isolated, forlorn, and unwanted. This chakra can be balanced by adding greenery to your environment, wearing a green jade, and eating more leafy greens.

Throat Chakra

It is the fifth chakra, located in the throat area and related with the color blue. It is linked to the thyroid gland, which affects our sense of security, leadership, expression, and fluid communication.. Anxiety, paralysis, and insecurity are all symptoms of an imbalance in this chakra. Connecting to the ocean can help you achieve harmony with this chakra. Opt for the blueberry or the lapis lazuli stone.

Third-Eye Chakra

It is the Third-Eye chakra, which is placed between the eyebrows and is related with the color indigo. Instinct, ideas, and dreams are all controlled by the pineal gland which is linked to the hypothalamus. Having a problem sleeping, feeling imbalanced, and being unable to access our intuition are all signs that this chakra is out of balance. Using lavender essential scents, azurite stones, or the blue night sky can help to balance this chakra.

Crown Chakra

Located at the top of your head, this chakra is known as the Crown chakra, and it's related with the color violet. In addition to the pituitary gland and the neurological system, it is also linked. It is linked to our spirituality, inner wisdom, and imagination. We feel melancholy, despondent, bewildered, and alienated when this chakra is out of balance. Wear amethyst, eat figs, and decorate your home with violets in order to harmonize this chakra.

Identify Imbalances to Correct Your Energy Flow

Brightening up your home and eating more healthfully are the first steps to reducing your anxiety. Begin with one chakra and work your way up to the others one by one. In this way, you can properly attend to all of your energy flow system's key components. As soon as you've identified your symptoms and their connection to your chakras, utilize the suggestions below to restore the energy flow and help your anxiety melt away.

What foods are good for the solar plexus?

Honey and nuts, as well, are a good source of it. For spices, the chakra is fed by cinnamon, vanilla, and sesame seeds. Chakra Manipura represents the solar plexus and is associated with ego and self-esteem. The color yellow represents this chakra.

How do I cleanse my solar plexus chakra?

While an overactive Manipura chakra manifests itself in aggressive behavior, rage, and the use of sedatives such as alcohol or marijuana, an underactive Manipura chakra does not.

But the good news is that we can influence our chakras to work better for us both emotionally and physically. We can influence the flow of energy in these regions, which has a positive effect on our health.

To recover your personal power and integrity, here are four simple strategies to enhance the Manipura chakra:

Which chakra is related to laziness?

In the sacrum, the Svadhishthana Chakra is located. VAM is its motto.

Svadhishthana Chakra represents the second stage of our growth.. The Svadhishthana Chakra is where the growth of consciousness towards pure, human consciousness begins. The subconscious mind is housed here, and it contains all of our memories and impressions from the time we were first formed in the womb. However, our Karmas are activated in the Svadhishthana Chakra, which is located in the Muladhara chakra.

The Svadhishthana Chakra is awakened, and this brings clarity and growth to the personality. However, we must first cleanse our minds of any bad qualities. There are six petals on the Svadhishthana Chakra's symbolic image. Anger, wrath, envy, cruelness, want and pride are all examples of our bad qualities that must be dealt with. Lethargy, fear, doubt, wrath, jealousy, and greed are among the other base qualities that impede our growth and development.

For this chakra, the Crocodile is used as an animal symbol. It represents the danger that lies dormant in this Chakra, as well as sloth and insensitivity. Symbolically, water is the element of Svadhishthana. When it's out of control, water has a tremendous amount of power. The Svadhishthana Chakra is the same way. When bad emotions arise from the subconscious to the waking state, we might become entirely out of whack.

Brahma the Creator and his daughter Sarasvati, the Goddess of wisdom and beautiful arts, are the deities of this chakra. Svadhishthana's color is orange, which is a symbol of awakening consciousness, and the color of the sunrise. The color orange is associated with movement and purity. Positive traits such as joy, faith, self-confidence and energy can be found in this chakra.

What are the 12 chakras?

In order: Base or Root Chakra; Sacral; Solar Plexus; Throat; Third Eye; Crown; and Third Eye; and Third Eye; and Crown;


It is typical for people to suffer from solar plexus pain because of their anxiety. The adrenal glands and the lungs are connected to the solar plexus. As a result of the body's fight-or-flight response to stress, breathing might become shallow.

Pain or other gastrointestinal symptoms, including nausea or vomiting, may occur as a result of this during times of stress. Anxiety can cause other symptoms, such as:

Acid reflux and other gastric issues

Another typical cause of solar plexus pain is acid reflux and other digestive disorders (such as stomach ulcers, gas, and indigestion).

A gnawing discomfort that worsens after a meal is a common symptom of stomach ulcers.

Pulled muscle

Solar plexus pain can be caused by a pulled muscle. This might happen when working out in the gym or just going about your daily business. Additional symptoms may include swelling, redness, or bruising if an abdominal muscle is torn. When moving, pain is more likely to occur.


Solar plexus pain can be caused by trauma, but it's not a regular occurrence. It can cause damage to internal organs, such as blood vessels. After a direct impact or blow to the area, this will happen.

Respiratory disorders

In some cases, respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis can cause pain in the solar plexus area. An inability to breathe properly can result in a stress response in the stomach and belly. A prolonged cough or wheeze may be a symptom.