What Do Each Of The 7 Chakras Represent?

The body's seven major energy centers are known as chakras. People often talk about “unblocking” their chakras, which means allowing energy to flow freely through the body, mind, and spirit when all of our chakras are open.

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Sanskrit's word “wheel” means “free-flowing positive energy,” and you might visualize chakras as such.

What are the 7 chakras associated with?

Physical or mental stress can produce imbalance in one or more chakras, according to Terrones. A chakra imbalance can be caused by “personal behaviors such as poor physical alignment or posture,” eating unhealthy food, or engaging in self-destructive behavior,” she noted.

What does each chakra symbolize?

When translated to English, the word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit. From the base of your spine to the top of your head, you have seven symbolic energy wheels. There is a direct link between the mind and the spirit.

First, let's take a look at the basic shape of each chakra symbol: the circle. Infinity and the endless and cyclical nature of energy are both symbolized by the circle.

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It also symbolizes our interdependence and oneness with the rest of creation, including other living things and a greater power. As a constant reminder of our oneness with all of creation, the sacred circle appears in every chakra sign.


Muladhara is the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine. Rigidity, stability, and a fundamental energy characterize this symbol's square shape. It's a solid foundation for the chakras to rest on.

The alchemical sign for earth is an upside-down triangle, which serves as a reminder of Muladhara's grounded force. Mind, intellect, consciousness, and ego are all represented by the four petals of this symbol.


Sacral Chakra Svadhishthana is your creative center. The cyclical process of birth, death, and rebirth is symbolized by the rings connected to the petals of the lotus flower in the bud phase. It's a beautiful reminder of the link between creativity and the phases of the moon that the tangential circles form a crescent moon.

What are the 7 chakras and its benefits?

You can use chakra healing to re-establish harmony in your body and mind.

  • The power to repair your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional ailments in a more rapid and comprehensive manner.
  • Accurately assessing one's own behavior as well as one's own thoughts.
  • You'll be able to better manage your emotions, sleep better, and have more patience.

A clear and healthy functioning chakra would undoubtedly help you achieve the life you deserve.

How do you activate all 7 chakras?

We can learn to love ourselves and others by meditating on this chakra, which is positioned in the middle of the chest. At its most harmonious, the heart chakra promotes feelings of unconditional love, compassion, and understanding.

How to activate the Heart Chakra (Anahata)?

Close your eyes and cross your legs while you touch the tips of your index finger and thumb with both hands while seated on a chair. This chakra is located in the heart and can be accessed by focusing on your breath. Repeat the sound “YAM” with a sense of peace, pleasure, and love while doing the same. With each chant, you can imagine an emerald green light that grows brighter and more intense. The more you meditate, the more relaxed you'll feel.

Which Chakra has 16 petals?

Tantric yoga and Tantric philosophy are both based on the concept of chakras, which are Sanskrit words that mean “wheel or circle.” As vortexes of energy placed vertically along the spine, chakras correspond to the physical body's spinal plexuses. There are seven primary chakras in your physical body. As each chakra rotates in a clockwisedirection, it looks as a wheel of light. What is the significance of chakras in terms of spirituality? Your entire spiritual anatomy is shaped by all seven of your chakras. Understanding your chakras will help you integrate your mind, body, and spirit in a more harmonious way. You can think of chakras as the seven entrances to a higher state of consciousness through which you can rise and gain a fuller understanding of your true nature. Think of your body as a vehicle for your thoughts and feelings. Enlightenment can be attained through the chakras, which are like the wheels of life that can propel your vehicle in that direction. Chakras are also known as lotuses, and each chakra symbol is depicted with a varied number of petals, which reflect their vibratory frequency:

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In India, the lotus is revered as a sacred flower because of the way its petals unfold one by one as they grow in the mud. It is as though we can open or close the petals of a lotus flower based on our mental state.

What Chakra has 8 petals?

Hrit (or Hridaya, “heart”), a minor chakra with eight petals, lies just below Anahata (in the solar plexus or, in some cases, on the near left side of the body). Vermilion sun, white moon, and deep-red fire regions make up the three sections of the sphere. Kalpavriksha, the red wish-fulfilling tree, is depicted here, and it represents the power to make one's wishes come true in the real world.

The Surya (sun) chakra, which sits just below the heart on the left side, is another name for the Hrit chakra. Its primary function is to receive solar energy and transfer it to the body and other chakras (in particular, Manipura, where it supplies Agni) (fire).

Is it bad to open chakras?

The chakras, according to the yoga philosophy, are closed and therefore do not operate in the normal human state, which is rarely transcended until via long-term spiritual practice. Ignorance, not sickness, is the end result of this situation. Being ignorant of one's true Self is a state of mind in which one focuses on the exterior world rather than on one's own true nature, which is thoughtless awareness. While one's chakras may be closed, one can still be healthy, emotionally balanced and creative. When one opens their chakras, they are not doing so to enhance their abilities in the mundane aspects of life, but rather to reach the eternal essence that lies beyond our finite and transitory existence.

Traditional yoga sees the chakras as only having a secondary effect on physical functions.

The spine has come to be known as the sushumna nadi, or core channel, in the modern understanding of chakras as power centers within the physical body. Digestion, respiration, and reproduction are just a few of the physiological functions that the chakras influence. Traditional yoga, on the other hand, regards the chakras as having mainly a secondary impact on physical activities.

Chakras are often confused with their physical counterparts because of a lack of awareness of the subtle body's nature and function. The subtle body, like the physical body, has a comparable shape and structure. As a result, we cannot detect it with our physical senses, as it is constituted of a finer matter than space in the physical universe. It's from another realm, the likes of which we usually only see in our dreams or in the afterlife. In order for the physical body to move, the life force must pass through the subtle body. Although the veil of physical conditions obscures its activity, the subtle body is constantly operating within the physical body as the source of its energy.

The subtle body does not normally function with the chakras. Only in states of heightened awareness or spiritual awakening can they play a substantial role. They symbolise the opening or merging of the subtle body with the consciousness that exists outside of it. While it is possible to correlate physical and subtle body components and functions, it is important to remember that the two are not the same, and the spiritually expanded astral or subtle body is a whole different creature..


There must be a greater energy source than the physical body for the chakras to work properly. The kundalini, or snake power, resides in the subtle body and plays this duty. Not only is Kundalini not a physical force, but it is also not an energy that can be controlled by oneself. Attention, in its purest form, manifests as Kundalini energy. It is not a separate energy, but rather the energy that manifests with consciousness when it is no longer thought of as separate.. Kundalini can only be activated if a person has a single-mindedness of mind, because only then can one get beyond cognition.

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Prana, or life force, must enter the sushumna, or core channel, for kundalini to awaken. Prana is disengaged from its attention on the external world when this occurs. Our life force cannot be withdrawn into the central channel as long as it is associated with the physical body and its functions. As a result, samadhi is required for the kundalini to be awakened and the chakras to be opened. It begins with a trance-like state in which we lose awareness of our actual body. Even in the waking state, it can be done without any physical harm, but the physical body is no longer perceived as one's actual identity at this point.

The chakras are named after the elements they govern, which is a more accurate and straightforward manner of naming them.

How do I know if my chakra is out of balance?

Located at the base of your spine, the Earth element is linked to this chakra, which is located in your feet and lower legs. With the root chakra you feel safe, secure and comfortable in your own skin. Additionally, your human family and lineage are linked to this chakra.

Which chakra is related to anxiety?

Physical and psychological changes occur when the body's energy flow is interrupted or depleted. This results in sickness and imbalance. Blockages in the flow of energy can lead to psychological symptoms such as anxiety and worry if they are caused by a stressful environment, problems in one's personal life, losses, or trauma. Anxiety levels can be reduced by balancing your chakras, which helps restore the flow of energy in your body.

A Brief History on Chakras

Chakras, which are derived from the Sanskrit word “wheel,” are thought to be the body's primary centers of energy. “Prana” (life force) flows smoothly through the chakras, which are the locations where major nerves connect. According to Hindu and Buddhist traditions, a blockage in the flow of energy can have detrimental effects on a person's health.

India's notion of a universal life force (prana) and the Chinese concept (ch'i) date back to 5,000 B.C. Various terms are used to describe the quantifiable energy field connected with the bodily system, including ch'i, shakti, aura, and biofield. A number of researchers have established that the body's physical functioning is directly linked to its bioenergy field, which is monitored by equipment like the Electrocardiograph (EKG).

A total of seven major chakras, or plexuses, exist in the body, all of which are linked to certain nerves. The neurological system and the endocrine glands are thought to be affected by these seven sites. Rainbow colors are associated with each chakra, and each chakra corresponds to one of the seven rays of spectrum light. Electromagnetic waves can alter our bioenergy or auric field through color light.

Root Chakra

The Root chakra is the first of the seven major chakras. The color red is associated with this chakra, which is located in the tailbone. That gland, the adrenal medulla, receives input from this part of the brain (which is what you might feel at the onset of a panic attack). One's sense of security and survival are regulated by the Root chakra. Depleted, despairing, ungrounded, anxious and lonely are some of the symptoms of an imbalance in the third chakra. Red may enliven your surroundings and your physical being, which will help to keep this chakra in harmony. Wear a garnet stone or eat some red berries, or decorate your workspace or home with red flowers.

Sacral Chakra

Orange is the color linked with the Sacral chakra, which is located in the pelvis. The adrenal glands and the genitourinary system are linked to it. Emotional and sexual basic needs, as well as creativity and self-confidence, are all governed by this chakra. A misaligned throat chakra can lead to feelings of loneliness and emotional disarray, as well as problems with substance abuse and reliance. Use the color orange to bring harmony to this chakra by donning a carnelian stone, eating more oranges, or dressing in orange.

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Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus chakra is the third chakra. The yellow color represents this chakra, which is located in the diaphragm and under the ribs. The digestive system and the adrenal glands are intertwined with it. This chakra governs our anxieties, sentiments of authority, and gut instincts. – Fears, eating disorders, anxiety, and a lack of control are all symptoms of imbalance in this chakra. Adding yellow flowers, wearing a yellow citrine crystal, or adding lemon to your water can help you balance this chakra.

Heart Chakra

The color green represents the Heart Chakra, which is positioned in the center of your chest, close to your heart. The heart, the thymus, and the endocrine system are all intertwined. In terms of compassion, this chakra is linked to feelings of self-love, as well as feelings of connection and safety. People who have this chakra out of balance experience feelings of hopelessness and rejection. This chakra can be balanced by adding greenery to your environment, wearing a green jade, and eating more leafy greens.

Throat Chakra

You can find this color related with the Throat chakra, which can be found in your throat. It is linked to the thyroid gland, which affects our sense of security, leadership, expression, and fluidity of communication.. We feel apprehensive, paralyzed, and uneasy when this chakra is out of harmony. Connecting with the ocean is a great way to re-energise this chakra. Eating or wearing blueberries can help alleviate stress.

Third-Eye Chakra

The indigo-hued Third-Eye chakra, located between the brows, is your body's sixth chakra. As a result of its relationship with the pineal gland, it has the ability to influence our inner direction, thoughts, and dreams. Having a problem sleeping, feeling imbalanced, and being unable to access our intuition are all signs that this chakra is out of balance. Wearing an azurite stone, diffusing lavender essential oils, or gazing up at the indigo night sky can all help to bring this chakra back into harmony.

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra, placed at the top of the head and linked to the color violet, is the seventh chakra in the chakra wheel. The pituitary and the central nervous system are intertwined through this structure's placement. It is linked to our spirituality, inner wisdom, creativity, and imaginative faculties, to name a few. We feel melancholy, despondent, bewildered, and alienated when this chakra is out of balance. This chakra can be balanced with amethyst, figs, and violets.

Identify Imbalances to Correct Your Energy Flow

Brightening up your home and eating more healthfully are the first steps to reducing your anxiety. Begin with one chakra and work your way up to the others one by one. Your energy flow system will be given the attention it deserves if you use this method. Your anxiety can begin to subside as soon as you learn how to detect your symptoms and how they relate to your chakras.

How does it feel when chakras open?

In order to activate your chakras, you don't need to spend a fortune or a lot of time on it. Meditation is the best way to access chakra energy.

Every day or once a week, you can experience your chakras in a 15-minute chakra meditation. Find a comfortable position in a quiet area.

To begin your meditation, choose a comfortable spot to sit and focus on taking slow, deep breaths. Once you've done this, you're ready to begin.

Start with the first chakra and work your way up (the root chakra). Color it and picture the flow of electricity through it.

During your journey through each chakra, remember that inhaling and exhaling help direct energy to the chakra.

A tingling sensation can be felt all over your body once the chakras have been opened and are functioning properly. Allow yourself to feel this sensation and you'll be able to let go of all of your stress. A person who is relaxed may feel more relaxed. Restless people may feel calmer.

Which chakra should I open first?

This “foundational energy” is “what enables us to feel secure and grounded into our birthing experience what it is to be a human being,” she adds. Right now, having a solid foundation in place is critical because once that is in place and activated within us, we can go on to the next phase of our lives.”

According to NYC Reiki Center founder and reiki master Brian Brunius, the root chakra serves a variety of physical and emotional functions. He explains.

Reproductive functions, bladder, hip, knee, and ankle strength are boosted by the infusion of energy, adds the doctor. Having a strong sense of self-worth, a sense of safety and security in any situation, and the belief that each of us is enough are all aspects of the root chakra's emotional function.” There is no need to be unique or superior to anyone else.”