How To Break A Spiritual Bond

1) Recognize that it exists.

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Recognizing that you have a problem, like with anything that could be classified as an addiction, is the first step.

2) Make a decision to do something about it.

The next step is to take action. This can be done in a variety of ways. Some people prefer to talk to someone about their difficulties. This could be a meeting with a psychologist or therapist, or simply meeting with someone you trust to talk about the situation. However, talk therapy or meeting with a buddy is rarely an effective treatment for such issues.

Further action may be required for extremely deep and troublesome soul links, which have previously proven difficult to resolve – or which may have been made with someone who later turned out to be undeserving.

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However, because soul links have existed since the beginning of time – despite the fact that they appear to be a recent invention – a variety of other means for breaking them have been developed:

The ancient South American therapeutic brew ayahuasca is one of the oldest. Although it is commonly associated with party drinks in the United States, it is an emotional and spiritual healing tea in its original form.

Many features of the disease we now name a “soul bond” would be recognized by traditional healers in Peru, Brazil, and many other countries of South America. Because of the spiritual therapeutic potential of ayahuasca, it was one of many things for which an ayahuasca ceremony was suggested. The brew is claimed to aid in the re-evaluation of one's life and the relationships created while living it. Spirit Releasement is another name for this process.

Of course, because of the brew's psychotropic characteristics, you should think twice before trying it. However, retreats like as the Spirit Vine Center in Brazil's Atlantic jungle are dedicated to spiritual cleansing and have grown up around preaching the good effects of ayahuasca. Breaking soul bonds and spirit releasement are two classes offered at the Spirit Vine retreat center. Everyone who attends learns how to break free from soul connections in 12 steps. Participants can also discover ways for cleansing the soul of parts from others and reclaiming lost bits of their own soul at programs on Spirit Releasement and Soul Retrieval.

3) Be forgiving.

This is frequently the most challenging step to take. This could be because you believe the other person in the relationship should be asking for your forgiveness. In certain cases, there may be nothing to forgive at all.

In any case, forgiving entails discovering and releasing any remaining mental “debts” that may be keeping the soul tie alive. This may need you to forgive yourself for past decisions – something that is really difficult to accomplish.

4) Untangle the soul ties

The final step is to get rid of any physical items that can connect you to someone. This could be images you're saving “just in case,” gifts you enjoy, and a variety of other things. These are ties' emblems, and they must be erased from your life. Even visualization exercises in which you envision the connection between yourself and the other person and then dissolve it with your will and intention are a powerful means of finally dissolving any attachment.

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You should be well on your way to conquering the symptoms of a soul tie once all of the bodily markers, mental debts, and spiritual links have been eliminated.

Can you break a soul tie?

A soul tie is an emotional or spiritual bond or connection that brings you together with another person. Your soul is knit together with another person when you share a soul tie with them. On a soul level, you become inextricably linked to another person, and when that person leaves your life, it may feel as if something is missing.

So many of us have had our spirits entangled with people we no longer want to be associated with, and we're left wondering how to liberate ourselves. I know how it feels to be in so much anguish in your heart and soul that you can't seem to get rid of it. It's not simple to cut soul bonds, yet it's been done. For an unhealthy tie that is holding you back to be broken, spiritual work is essential.

Your mind, will, and emotions make up your soul. When you have a soul connection with someone, your mind, will, and emotions get entwined with theirs. Your mind becomes corrupted, and you battle with your emotions since you don't act on your own free choice. Soul ties are created as a result of:

  • Children, parents, siblings, best friends, and other people with whom you spend a lot of time are examples of close connections.
  • Sexual closeness produces harmful soul ties that are painful and difficult to break free from.

Common Symptoms of a Soul Tie

Individuals who are spiritually connected can usually sense and understand one other's moods and emotions. Soul bonds are no exception. Those who have a stronger and more intense relationship can even feel bodily pain in addition to emotions.

Soul links, like soulmate relationships, can be detected through empathic connections. Because the symptoms of both spiritual relationships are similar, some people may be unsure which form of soul connection they have.

It's important to mention that soulmate connections are one of the highest types of unconditional love to avoid any misunderstanding. It's divine, pure, and always radiates happiness. Soul ties, on the other hand, can start off wholesome and later devolve into something sinful.

Another immediately recognizeable indication of a soul tie is the inability to get them out of your head. Most spiritually connected people can interact telepathically. You can find yourself continuing someone's sentences or calling them when they're about to call you.

If you share a soul connection with someone, you'll be excited to learn more about them. You'll want to connect with them on an emotional or physical level, and you'll be giddy and nervous at the same time.

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Symptoms of a Healthy Soul Tie

You will feel more secure about yourself if you have a soul connection with the appropriate person. They'll help you turn your flaws into strengths, and their presence will give you the energy you'll need to confront life's obstacles and hardships.

Our common goal is to reach a higher level of consciousness in order to find absolute truths. A strong soul tie will support and assist you on your spiritual path to this shared objective.

Symptoms of an Unhealthy or Ungodly Soul Tie

Obsession can result from ungodly soul ties. It could begin with a lack of control over your thoughts and emotions when it comes to this individual, leading to an unhealthy attachment to them.

This is a common occurrence between two people who have already parted ways but are still linked by their souls. It isn't necessary for such an unhealthy soul tie to be romantic. It can also happen in the connection between a parent and a child.

Toxic relationships are often indicators of dysfunctional soul ties. An ungodly soul tie will do the opposite of a healthy soul tie, which is to help you have a revitalized sense of appreciation for life and to make you feel free. You may feel trapped, as if there is no way out, because the other party is obsessive and abusive.

People that are spiritually connected have a stronger link and can sense each other's thoughts and emotions, as previously stated. As a result, controlling and manipulating the feelings of the other is much easier. Manipulation of soul ties isn't always done maliciously or evilly, but it doesn't mean it shouldn't be dealt with.

Soul ties are energetic connections that are extremely powerful. It's quite likely that if the other person resonates with negative emotions, you'll be flooded with negativity as well. When this happens, it's easy to pick up on their negative characteristics and even addictions.

What is a spiritual bond?

A spiritual connection is a feeling that there's something more than you and your unique experiences, meanings, or beliefs—that we're all united as one human species with common aims and interests, whatever they are. It comes from understanding how other people feel without them having to express it, and from feeling the same way yourself.

People that have spiritual ties share similar values and ideas about what's important to them, and they feel free to be themselves when they're among each other. Because they're on the same “team,” so to speak, and have a sense of responsibility for their activities, they tend to want to help or watch out for one another.

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Here are some things both parties may encounter in order to comprehend the indicators that you do, in fact, have a spiritual connection:

How do you break bonds with someone?

Because the brain recognizes the highs and lows of the cycle, people who suffered abuse as a child are typically lured to similar situations as adults.

A history of trauma can make breaking trauma attachments even more difficult, but you can learn to escape the cycle. These pointers may be useful.

Know what you're dealing with

Recognizing the bond's existence is a crucial first step. Of course, when it comes to abuse, this is frequently easier said than done.

Here are some things to try to locate proof of abuse and notice indicators of trauma bonding:

Keep a journal

Keeping a daily journal might assist you in seeing trends and noticing issues with conduct that may not have appeared abusive at the time.

When abuse occurs, make a note of what happened and whether your partner did anything to justify it afterwards.

Consider the relationship from another perspective

Assume you're reading a novel about your relationship. When you have some detachment from unfavorable situations, it's frequently simpler to study them.

Pay attention to the minor aspects that make you uneasy or cause you to halt. Do they make you feel good?

Talk to loved ones

It's difficult to talk about abuse. When friends and family voiced worry in the past, you may have become enraged or dismissed them.

Loved ones, on the other hand, can provide invaluable perspective. Make an effort to listen and consider whether or not their observations are accurate.

Avoid self-blame

Believing you caused or brought the violence on yourself might make exercising your autonomy more difficult, thus keeping you in the relationship.

You are deserving of better. Self-criticism and blame can be replaced with affirmations and positive self-talk to enable this fact take root.

Cut off contact completely

Once you've made the decision to leave, completely break the pattern by ceasing all communication.

This may not be realistic if you co-parent, but a therapist can help you devise a strategy for maintaining just required contact.

Find a safe location to stay, such as with a relative or friend, to create physical distance. If feasible, change your phone number and email address as well.

If you're unable to do so, completely block them. They might be able to get through if they use a different phone number, but avoid these texts and calls.

They may insist on changing, going to therapy, or doing anything as long as you return. These promises might be very appealing.

However, keep in mind how many times they've already vowed to reform.

Get professional help

While you can take steps to decrease the trauma link on your own, these bonds are notoriously difficult to break. It's understandable if you don't find it simple to break free without professional assistance.

A therapist can teach you more about the patterns of abuse that lead to trauma bonding, and this knowledge can be very helpful.

Working with a trauma-informed therapist is often advised. Professionals that specialize in detecting and treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), particularly complicated PTSD and the aftereffects of abuse, can have the most influence on persons trying to overcome this trauma.

How do you break a soul bond?

  • Tell the person's soul that you wish them well in life but that you don't want to be in a relationship with them any longer. (This release will not be heard by the person's physical ears, but it will be heard by their spirit!)


Empathy is a complex word with a straightforward definition. Empathy is the ability to recognize that other people have feelings. We are connected to people when we understand why they feel the way they do.

Have you ever witnessed a friend go through a heartbreaking breakup and felt bad for them?

This feeling does not exist in a soulless individual. They've been desensitized to the outside world. They don't understand why you're upset, pleased, afraid, or lonely. They have no understanding of what you're going through or why you behave as you do.


People who are soulless have a highly false appearance. Even if they do express emotion, it is not genuine. Because these people are incapable of feeling their own or others' emotions, their only alternative is to act as though they do.

A soulless person may and will pretend to be human in social situations that need “normal” emotion. With phony smiles or faux care, some are extremely convincing. However, if you look closely, you'll notice something different about how certain emotions appear in comparison to others.

Just a note: Psychopaths and sociopaths are notorious for their ability to fake emotions. They lack empathy but excel at deception. Ted Bundy, a psychopath, is the ultimate example of a soulless individual who fooled a large number of people.

A real psychic confirms it

If you look at the signs listed above and below, you'll be able to tell if you've met a soulless individual.

But how can you locate a psychic you can believe in? It is critical to avoid bogus ones in this day and age.

How many soul ties can a person have?

Having sex with another individual might result in a soul tie. Assume someone has been sexually intimate with all of their lovers; it is conceivable to have several soul ties. Soul relationships take time to build as well. Unlike soulmates, the bond develops through time.

Material possessions don't matter much to you

While you certainly have a few prized goods, you don't equate happiness with money or possessions.

Rather of pursuing wealth, you simply aspire to have enough money to fulfill your basic necessities, plus a little extra for savings or emergencies.

Rather than upgrading technology on a regular basis or remodeling your home on the spur of the moment, you're more inclined to keep items for as long as they endure.

Keeping up with current fashion trends may not be important to you since you value intangibles such as knowledge, compassion, and peace.

You focus on meaningful connections

Small social circles are common among old souls and other sensitive folks. Your circle of friends could be made up of people of all ages, from various backgrounds and life experiences.

Old souls are known for their keen intuition, so you might have a flair for predicting who will make a good companion.

You probably found it difficult to relate to individuals your own age as a child and were more drawn to persons older than you. You may have wished for greater substance in your interactions, but your classmates may have thought you were awkward or stuck-up. Maybe you've even been teased.

You may not have had much time for play if you had a challenging home environment, especially if you had to take on a more mature position in your household.

This would have made finding common ground with peers even more challenging, so you probably learnt to value relationships with people who seemed to understand you.

You need a lot of time alone

People with older souls are more sensitive to other people's emotions and the environment. Higher sensitivity often implies you'll need more alone time to recover from the constant assault of emotions.

Generally speaking, you like to observe rather than interact. When school or job necessitates group engagement, you might position yourself on the periphery to avoid being overwhelmed by other people's noise — both the audible and emotional “noise” you absorb.

You have lots of leisure for artistic endeavors, daydreaming, and quiet reflection.

Many elderly people are voracious readers. You might find that stories from other locations and times appeal to you the most, to the point where you can nearly see yourself as a participant in them.

Others may perceive you as aloof, distracted, or out of touch with reality.

You have high empathy

The ability to think about and feel what others are going through can give you a sense of maturity and gravity. At the same hand, being aware of other people's grief can place a burden on your shoulders that can be difficult to shift.

Increased sensitivity might make conflict more difficult to resolve, making you want to isolate yourself and spend time in nature or other serene, quiet locations.

You spend a lot of time thinking about how to make a difference

Old souls are more likely to consider in terms of the big picture than than the intricacies. You realize you won't be able to alter the world on your own, so you concentrate on making improvements where you can.

Your drive to help others can make the more transient aspects of life appear less essential.

In other words, you float along, mostly untouched by the ups and downs of daily life.

You have a strong emotional bond with individuals you hold dear and may feel compelled to help them overcome difficulties.

So that your loved ones continue to seek your assistance, your intuition may lead you to share wisdom or beneficial problem-solving solutions.

People with aged souls are also more sensitive to the subtleties of human conduct. You may be more prone to believe in people' inherent worth and acknowledge their ability to change, regardless of their decisions.

How do you break ungodly soul ties?

And one of the most common reasons why people fail to attain the relationship goals that God desires is because they develop sinful soul ties.”

If you create an ungodly soul tie with someone, it might prevent you from pursuing healthy relationships with the proper people and enjoying God's best for your life.