Who Is The Spiritual Father Of Pastor Chris

Oyakhilome was born in Edo State, Nigeria, on December 7, 1963, to Elder T.E and Angelina Oyakhilome.

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Oyakhilome married Anita Ebhodaghe in 1991. They were the parents of two girls. Anita Ebodaghe filed for divorce in London's Central Family Court on April 9, 2014. Following their divorce, they chose to split custody of their two children. After 25 years of marriage, they split in February 2016 due to “Unreasonable Behavior.” Sharron Oyakhilome, Oyakhilome's first daughter, married Phillip Frimpong, a Ghanaian guy, on October 6, 2018, and her mother was reportedly absent.

Oyakhilome's personal wealth was estimated to be between $30 million and $50 million by Forbes in 2011.

What is paraclete in the Bible?

The word paraclete (Greek: o, Latin: paracletus) denotes “advocate” or “assistant.” The term “paraclete” is most typically used in Christianity to allude to the Holy Spirit.

Why is the Holy Spirit called the counselor?

“I'll ask the Father, and he'll send you another advocate, the Spirit of truth, to assist you and be with you forever.” — Revelation 14:16-17

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Jesus reveals a bombshell as he spends his final meal with his disciples, only hours before his betrayal and death: he is going to leave his people behind. However, Jesus assures them that he would not desert them and will instead supply them with a counselor or “advocate.”

The Greek word paraklete, which Jesus used here, referred to a person who came to Jesus' aid amid a legal crisis. “Counselor,” “advocate,” “comforter,” “intercessor,” “strengthener,” and “standby” are some of the translations. The Holy Spirit is the promised advocate or counselor.

The promise of the Holy Spirit made by Jesus is extremely comforting. His supporters aren't the only ones who believe in him. Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide his people even though he is not physically there. The Holy Spirit is also sent by Jesus to guide them into truth. So, when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples at Pentecost, he did so not on his own, but was sent by the Father and the Son to live in them and assist them in serving the risen Lord Jesus. “If you love me, observe my commands,” Jesus has given the Holy Spirit an essential proviso.

Are you following Jesus' words and commands? If you haven't already, repent and turn to him. If that's the case, lean on the Counselor's power in your life today, relax in him, and let him lead you in your walk with Jesus.

Thank you, Jesus, for sending the Holy Spirit. May he serve as a counselor and comforter in our lives as we strive to obey you today and always. Amen.

What is the duty of a spiritual father?

In today's fast-paced environment, we all have a tendency to lean toward opinions we acquire on a variety of topics, then accept those beliefs as reality over time. Indeed, if I base this on the studies I've done on comparable ideas and opinionated comments from many Christians at all stages of their spiritual walk over the decades. The truth is that they delve into what they build as a belief system without exposing themselves to the facts that Bible Scholars would spend time and effort researching.

This article, on the other hand, was not meant to disparage anyone or to point fingers or to claim that one person, little or large group or meeting, or even church teaching, is superior.

It's all about assisting people in growing spiritually in their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and becoming more dependant on the Holy Spirit as they study the meaning of ancient scripture.

I started posting this article since I get a lot of mail on my Facebook groups, which is understandable given that I have over 140,000 members on my groups and pages. Most of the time, I manage because I pray about a lot of what I get before I give a reader an answer or a suggestion. One of the persons I've been prompted to communicate with recently was Elizabeth, a kindhearted lady with a desire for God – and that's all I'll say about her since I don't want to shame or expose her here.

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In our correspondence, she mentioned that her pastor had mentioned to some members of the congregation that he was willing to take on the position of Spiritual Father in order to teach and guide some of his members. That irritated Elizabeth, who responded with Matt 23:8-10, 8. “However, you are not to be addressed as ‘Rabbi,' because you have only one Teacher and are all brothers. 9 And do not address anyone on earth as “father,” since you only have one, and he is in heaven. 10 You are not to be called instructors, because you only have one, the Messiah.”

Now, before I get into the heart of this message, I'd like to give a few direct quotes from our correspondence over the next few days.

On the last point about becoming a spiritual father, I wrote: I'm not sure if that particular reference occurs in scripture, but Paul refers to Timothy as his son numerous times in books 1 and 2 of Timothy. Spiritual Fathers are people I refer to as such. Many of the people I contact with on Facebook refer to me as their Spiritual Father or Pappa.

Elizabeth, was my response at the time. I recommend that you conduct some research on Matt 23 and perhaps obtain some suggestions from other Bible commentators and commentaries about how this fits in with the rest of scripture. I don't have time to complete it right now, but I will in the coming days. It's not always wise to take things at face value without first understanding the context in which they were written. I'll contact you.

The Apostle John describes three different levels of spiritual growth in 1 John 2:12-14. He refers to his readers as “dear children” throughout the message. He does, however, stray from his customary address here, adding “fathers” and “young men” to his standard “loved children.” When you take a look at the book as a whole, it appears that this passage doesn't belong where it is. Despite this, verses 12-14 contain two references to “beloved children,” “fathers,” and “young men.” Repetition was employed to convey emphasis in Hebrew culture and Greek language; the writer was emphasizing, “This is really essential, don't miss this.” As a result, we'll take a deeper look at this message to discover what John had to say to both his contemporaries and us, today's readers.

“I write to you, my children,” John begins in verse 12, “because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name.” “I write to you, fathers,” he says, “since you have known him who is from the beginning.” “I write to you, young men, since you have vanquished the evil one,” he concludes the progression. John distinguishes disparities in levels of maturity among Christians by utilizing chronological age terms. John not only revisits the categories, but he also arranges the levels in a non-chronological order. The “fathers” are once again sandwiched between the “loved children” and the “young guys.” Why would he do such a thing? I believe that as we continue to study the passage, it will become evident that God has something special to say to us about the role of the father in particular.

“Children” have come to a saving knowledge of Christ; “young men” are strong in the Word of God and have successfully waged the spiritual fight; and “fathers” know God intimately and have had a deeper and broader relationship with the “I AM”-the God of eternity (see Exodus 3:14-15). Let's look at why I believe the Spirit of God led John to communicate the levels in a different order than they were supposed to be communicated.

God is exposing a crucial aspect of being a spiritual parent in this passage. We will miss the essential point if we do not notice it. This crucial fact is that your mature features and intimate contact with the “I AM” do not make you a spiritual parent. The child and father were brought together by John so that we might observe the importance of reproduction in reaching and expressing maturity. Because you've also been used to generate spiritual children, you're a spiritual father. A spiritually mature man has no spiritual children and cannot be regarded a spiritual father unless he reproduces and disciples Christlike maturity in others. Spiritual children having a deep and intimate relationship with God the Father are the offspring of a spiritual father. These youngsters and young men's spiritual development must continue in order for them to become spiritual dads who reproduce spiritual offspring.

We must develop children who have been saved into young men who know God's Word and can fight spiritual battles, and fathers who have walked closely with God for a long time and have been used to reproduce the next generation of spiritual fathers. If males aren't reproducing spiritually, they haven't reached complete spiritual maturity and aren't reproducing.

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Over the course of his 53-year sales career, Peter Collins has concentrated on assisting and bringing out the best in others, whether it's through training or mentoring salespeople, managers, or providing business consulting to small and medium-sized businesses. Peter has earned a reputation as a nationally and internationally published author since the 1970s, with 68 business books among his 133 novels published over the past 48 years (but he is mainly known for one book based on the Audio Tape series of the same name, Over 50 Ways of Closing the Sale). Peter has also authored 30 Christian novels. In the late 1970s, one of Peter's novels sold nearly 2 million copies and is currently selling well through second hand web marketers around the world. In his personal life, Peter has been sought after as a motivator and encourager who, despite his busy schedule, has freely given of his time and abilities. Through his teaching, training, growth, and ongoing mentoring, he has subsequently aided churches, pastors, community and charitable groups, as well as individuals.

Is onesimus Paul's son?

Many Christian faiths consider Onesimus to be a saint. On February 15, the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod honors him and Philemon.

On February 15, the Eastern Churches commemorate Onesimus. The 16th of February is the traditional Western remembrance of Onesimus. Onesimus, on the other hand, is mentioned under 15 February in the 2004 edition of the Roman Martyrology. “Runaway slave, whom the apostle Paul received to the faith of Christ while in jail, treating him as a son of whom he had become father, as he himself wrote to Philemon, Onesimus' master,” he is characterized there.

Where is Paraclete Press?

Paraclete Press, Inc. is a component of the Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers industry and is based in Brewster, Massachusetts.

Who is our Savior from sin and known as the Lamb of God?

The term Lamb of God for Jesus first appears in John's Gospel, with the statement in John 1:29, “Behold the Lamb of God who wipes away the sin of the world,” and it is confirmed the next day in John 1:36. In the presence of the first two apostles of Jesus, who immediately follow him, treat him as Rabbi with respect, and later in the narrative invite others to meet him, the title Lamb of God is used for the second time.

Who sent the Holy Spirit in the Pentecost?

The rising Jesus gives his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit in this Scripture. We don't know any specifics other than that Jesus breathed on them, causing them to receive the Holy Spirit.

Thomas, one of the disciples, was not among the gathering at the time. In addition, the disciples had yet to elect a successor to Judas. Some believe the disciples did not truly receive the Holy Spirit, or that they just received a transient form of the spirit, for these reasons.

When Jesus appeared to them again, Thomas was present, and the Bible records that Jesus performed “miraculous signs… not written in this book.”