Anything, from the absolutely banal to the completely life-altering, can cause a spiritual awakening.
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Life-changing events (i.e., losing your job, moving away from home, a vehicle accident, etc.) and persons who open a spiritual “door” for you are two common causes, according to spiritual author Shannon Kaiser (like a twin flame or soul mate).
“Spiritual awakenings can happen on their own,” she says, “but most are brought on by major life changes or traumas like life-threatening illnesses, car accidents, divorces, war, pandemics, quarter-life or midlife crises, mental health crises like clinical depression or anxiety, or even a near-death experience.”
Tanya Carroll Richardson, a professional intuitive and author of Angel Intuition, notes that anything that inspires (or requires) you to “look at your life from a more spiritual viewpoint” might lead to awakening.
How do you know you're having a spiritual awakening?
Feelings of belonging to others and to nature. Overwhelming feelings of gratitude on a regular basis. A proclivity to think and act on the spur of the moment rather than out of dread based on previous experiences. Unmistakable ability to savor each and every moment.
When did spiritual awakening begin?
The Great Reconstruction The Origins of Our Religious Beliefs Illustrated by Karen Armstrong. Knopf, Alfred A. There are 469 pages in this book. $30.
Human beings have been involved in violent conflict for the majority of recorded history, either as victims or aggressors. Life, which is full of anguish and misery, has been shaped by forces beyond mortal comprehension. Karen Armstrong, a religious historian, provides a comprehensive narrative of spiritual searchers' centuries-long effort in China, India, Israel, and Greece to face and overcome these issues in her book “The Great Transformation.”
“The Great Transformation” takes a look back through time. It all starts some 3,500 years ago among the Aryans of the southern Russian steppes, with the earliest stirrings of religious consciousness that would eventually move humanity away from nature worship and sacrifice and toward an inward-looking, self-critical, and compassionate approach to existence.
During the Axial Age, a key time ranging from 900 B.C. to 200 B.C., this shift occurred independently in four distinct locations, producing Taoism and Confucianism in China, Buddhism and Hinduism in India, Judaism in the Middle East, and philosophic rationalism in Greece.
What is the spiritual awakening process?
Spiritual awakening, contrary to popular belief, does not entail a literal transformation “Awakening.”
You don't wake up one day feeling like you have a powerful energy within of you beckoning for change.
Spiritual awakening is a long process in which a person realizes that their existence extends beyond the physical realm “I” refers to the ego.
Eastern spiritualists refer to the ego, or everyday self, as the acquired mind in Taoist philosophy.
Our current selves our likes, actions, preferences, and convictions are the result of years of socialization.
These particular features we pick up, however unusual they may be, do not yet make up a whole self.
Humans are a self-preserving species as a result of evolution; it's in our DNA to resist change.
Humans are innately egoistic beings, therefore we can't help but form a bubble around ourselves and do everything we can to keep it safe.
While a firm belief in who you are and what you believe in may appear to be the very definition of the full “self,” philosophers such as Carl Jung argue that separating the “I” from the rest of the world is harmful because we inevitably begin to limit what counts as good and righteous to those qualities unique to us.
Consider this: your Spirit lives alongside your ego. The ego acquires things you enjoy and don't like, as well as convictions that distinguish what's good from what's evil, during the years of learning and interacting.
As the ego takes control, your Spirit becomes confined and inert, rather than moving beyond it.
What age do spiritual awakenings happen?
60.5 percent of subjects remembered their most powerful SSA, while 39.5 percent remembered their most powerful SKA. Participants' most powerful SSA/SKA began in a range of ages “10 years or less” to 67 years of age (N = 148, M = 32.78, SD = 10.60). 21.1 percent said the pinnacle of their experience lasted minutes, 10.5 percent said it lasted hours, 7.9 percent said it lasted days, 9.2 percent said it lasted weeks, 14.5 percent said it lasted months, 7.9 percent said it lasted years, and 28.9 percent said it was still going on.
In response to the multiple-choice question, I'll say: “Do you believe there were any significant reasons that lead you to have this experience, based on your most powerful SSA or SKA?” 52 percent reported psychological turmoil/trauma (e.g., stress, depression, loss, bereavement, combat, addiction), 47.4 percent meditation practice, 31.6 percent spiritual literature, 21.7 percent contact with nature, 21.7 percent past use of psychedelics or entheogens, 21.7 percent past use of psychedelics or entheogens, 21.7 percent past use of psychedelics or entheogens, 21.7 percent past use of psychedel Yoga practice accounts for 18.4%, and a near-death experience accounts for 13.2%. 11.8 percent breathwork (e.g., Wim Hof technique, Holotropic Breathwork, pranayama), 11.2 percent holy sexual intimacy, 9.9 percent fasting, and 9.2 percent no identifiable cause, 9.2% physical injury, 8.6% lucid dreaming, 8.6% sleep deprivation, 7.9% sleep deprivation “39.9% “other” variables, including sports activities.
Contact with nature was the most commonly reported activity (68.4%), while Kundalini Yoga was the least commonly reported activity before the commencement of participants' most powerful SSA/SKA (11.2 percent ). Meditation was the most commonly stated activity (79.6%) for frequently practiced activities after participants' most powerful SSA/SKA “) and “other yoga” (21.1 percent) was the least reported activity (Table 1). With the exception of the use of psychedelics and entheogens, which showed a modest decline post-SSA/SKA, all activities showed an average increase (Table 1).
What comes after spiritual awakening?
After a spiritual awakening, the good life is to remember to turn inward for answers and, more importantly, the pure substance that makes life worth living. It is not how much we do in the world after a spiritual awakening that matters, but how much love can do within us. We are called to be a loving anchor.
Does everyone have an awakening?
The most important aspect of spiritual awakening is that it does not occur in everyone. Only a select few people have the opportunity to experience spiritual awakening. You won't be able to bring about spiritual enlightenment on your own. That's because it's the product of your soulful development. This is referred to as the growth, expansion, and inner peace process. Within the soul of a person who is experiencing spiritual awakening, they will feel enormous delight and freedom.
Is the Great Awakening?
During the 1730s and 1740s, the English colonies in America experienced a religious revival known as the Great Awakening. The movement arose at a time when the concept of secular reason was being promoted and religious fervor had become stale. Christian leaders frequently traveled from town to town, teaching the gospel, emphasizing deliverance from sins, and fostering Christian excitement. As a result, there was a reinvigorated commitment to religion. Many historians believe the Great Awakening left an indelible mark on numerous Christian denominations as well as American culture as a whole.
Where should I start my spiritual journey?
Suddenly, what I was seeing wasn't enough. I was hankering for more. Beyond the veil of my reality, I knew there were things to be disclosed. I really didn't know where to start untangling the web I'd become entangled in.
For a long time, I wanted I could be like Alice in Wonderland and drink a magical potion that would transform my perspective and answer all of my spiritual problems.
Instead, I began the arduous task of charting my own course. But I made a critical error. I imagined that if I found the correct thing, I'd be able to wave a wand and everything would become crystal obvious.
The problem is that when you're considering about starting a spiritual practice or need help coping with ordinary life, just knowing where to look and where to start can be daunting.
What I finally discovered is that there are various pathways to take in reality. What matters is that we simply begin walking.
Here is some guidance to get you started on your own spiritual quest for a more fulfilling life.
Don't be too concerned about adopting new belief systems or practices that seem vague and perplexing. Look for things that speak to you and are relevant to your particular way of living.
Simply sit in solitude for 5-10 minutes once or twice a day and focus on your breath. It doesn't have to be more difficult than that. Simply take a break from the normal sources of stimulation, such as your phone, Facebook, and television, and instead focus on yourself.
Make a commitment to your practice, whatever it may be. Make a small amount of self-discipline. Do it every day, without fail, whether it's 10 minutes in quiet, a solo stroll, a run, or a yoga class.