What Is A Spiritual Storm

Have you ever shied away from God's purpose for your life, saying to yourself, “I could never do that?”

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That is exactly what Jonah did. God commanded him to travel to Nineveh and preach to the people. Jonah, on the other hand, headed in the opposite way. He traveled to Joppa's harbour and boarded a ship bound for Tarshish.

“The Lord sent out a huge wind on the sea, and there was a terrific tempest on the sea, so that the ship was about to be broken up,” the Bible says (Jonah 1:4 NKJV).

The experienced sailors on board were in a frenzy. This was unlike any other storm they'd ever witnessed. They sought to figure out what had caused the storm. Jonah eventually admitted that the storm was his fault. As a result, they threw him overboard.

He had no idea that a huge fish would appear and consume him. Remember, he was probably thinking, “I'm dead,” as violent ocean waves tossed around him. That is all there is to it. This is what happened because I disobeyed God.”

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He was swallowed whole by a creature, and he was trapped inside the guts of this gigantic beast. “I cried out to the Lord in my tremendous sorrow, and he answered me… As my life was slipping away, I remembered the Lord,” the Bible says. And in your sacred Temple, I prayed earnestly to you” (Jonah 2:2, 7 NLT).

In his supplication, Jonah quoted from the Bible, specifically from the Psalms. By the way, I believe that quoting the Bible as we pray is a great concept. Is it because God requires His own words to be heard?

As Christians, we shall face storms in the form of tragedy or hardship of some sort. It could be a medical problem, a marriage issue, a legal difficulty, or something else entirely. The list might go on forever. However, a believer will face three types of storms.

There are perfecting storms, which occur when God allows adversity in our life to strengthen us spiritually. Job went through a period of perfection. “When your faith is tried, your endurance has an opportunity to grow,” the Bible states. So nurture it, since when your endurance reaches its full potential, you will be perfect and complete, requiring nothing” (James 1:3–4 NLT).

Then there are storms that need to be protected. That's the kind of reaction the disciples had on the Sea of Galilee when Jesus completed His most well-known miracle to date: feeding the five thousand. The crowds were enthralled by the miracle. Is it possible to resurrect the dead? Awesome. Is it possible to regain sight and hearing? Incredible. But what about a free lunch? Now we're having a conversation.

The multitude wanted Jesus to be crowned king by force. As a result, Jesus ordered to His disciples, “Get into the boat.” “We're leaving right now.”

He saved His disciples from a lot of adoration, which would have caused them a lot of problems. As a result, they were subjected to a protective storm.

Finally, there's storm correction. We essentially cause these storms and bear the repercussions of our actions. Jonah was in the midst of a tremendous hurricane. It was entirely his fault. He was the one who brought it upon himself.

You can't and shouldn't wish to get away from God. There isn't a spot on earth where the Lord isn't present. It gives me comfort to know that God is with me no matter where I go or what I confront in life.

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So, don't try to elude God. Instead, make a beeline for Him. And if you feel like you need a second chance today, why not pray and ask God for one?

That is exactly what God did for Jonah. “The Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land,” the second chapter of Jonah says (verse 10 NKJV). Jonah was regurgitated by the whale when he cruised up to the shore, opened his jaws, and regurgitated him.

Then God summoned Jonah once more to deliver His message to the inhabitants of Nineveh. This time, Jonah followed God's instructions. And it was because he eventually obeyed the Lord that the greatest spiritual awakening in human history occurred.

But there's something more about Jonah that we don't want to overlook: he was losing hope (see Jonah 2:7). Many people in our culture today, I believe, are beginning to lose hope. It's one of the reasons, according to some experts, why suicide rates are so high.

I'm not sure what type of storm you're experiencing right now. But don't give up hope. You'll make it through. Please bear with me. I really like the acronym HOPE, which stands for “hanging on with patient expectation.”

Storms, on the other hand, have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Perhaps your storm has been roaring for quite some time. But, guess what? It's possible that you've reached the end. As a result, don't give up. Don't give up.

If God was able to deliver Jonah from the belly of a fish, he can also deliver you from whatever situation you're in right now.

What does the Bible say about going through a storm?

Don't let your hearts be troubled, and don't be afraid.” So don't be afraid, because I am with you; don't be afraid, because I am your God. I will strengthen and assist you; with my righteous right hand, I will uphold you. I went to the LORD for help, and he came through; he saved me from all my concerns.

What is a storm in your life?

It's hurricane season, so I'm thinking about storms a lot. Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Maria have had a direct or indirect impact on all of our lives. It is critical that we should not overlook the lessons that storms can provide. Storms occur in all aspects of our lives: mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. When the weather unexpectedly changes and our typical patterns of conduct are interrupted by factors beyond our control, these are the times. Storms are sent by God to foster growth. Storms are meant to accomplish a variety of critical tasks in our lives. They teach us important things about ourselves, others, and the lives we've built for ourselves. Here are a few key lessons you may take away from your storms.

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Storms Bring Families and Communities Closer Together: Storms have a way of bringing people closer together. When we are aware that a storm is approaching, we seek shelter. We return to locations we have identified as physically and emotionally safe out of a yearning for safety. People who have been travelling return home when a storm is approaching. Those who have been sequestered in their rooms have been released and welcomed into the family. We join together after the storm to help those who need to rebuild. We are brought together by storms. Storms force us to return home.

Storms Change Our Behavior: It's fascinating how storms humble us and force us to acquire new behaviors. Storms are so powerful that humans must adapt swiftly in order to survive them. Storms make people who are usually noisy become quiet. They bring those who are moving to a halt. Impatient people must learn to wait. We develop new talents during the storm.

Storms Teach Us About Our Foundations: In New Orleans, I got my tarot cards read. For me, the cards didn't appear to be in my favor. I was told by a lady, “We know a lot about storms in New Orleans. There will be a storm in your life, but don't fear, it will be for the best. When a storm hits, buildings that aren't properly constructed will collapse. Those that have solid foundations will be able to stand for a long time. This storm will wash away anything that wasn't built properly in the first place.” Storms have the ability to teach us about our foundations. Marriages, friendships, and enterprises that aren't based on solid foundations will crumble in the face of adversity. “Friends from the sun” will depart. Those who are unable to stand the rain will go. Things we tried to hold together will fall apart in our hands. Our attention should be drawn to what and who remains. Those things and people that stick with us during the storm demonstrate their commitment, loyalty, and solid foundation. The storm reveals who we are and who we are surrounded by.

Storms give us the chance to discover new strengths and abilities: Many couples have told me that their relationships did not become stable until they had to endure a storm. The storm in their marriage forced them to communicate more openly, forced them to learn to trust one other in new ways, and allowed them to see their partner in a new light. They learned to appreciate one another during the storm. Survival of ourselves and those we love becomes vital when we are caught in a storm. Ego, selfishness, pettiness, and unforgiveness have no place in our world. We learn to move past our limitations and toward the truth of who we are amid the storm: love, light, and interconnectedness.

Storms Help Us Remember What's Really Important: Storms help us remember what's really important. Last week, I heard several folks exclaim, “I'm simply grateful I'm okay and my family is safe,” while watching the news. These individuals had recently lost their homes and lacked flood insurance. They had suffered a significant setback. However, they were able to obtain a fresh perspective on what was most important: safety, family, well-being, and health by losing things that I am sure they cherished before: clothes, houses, automobiles, and photos. The storm reminds us of what is truly important.

Let us not overlook the lessons that the storms in our lives have taught us. Let us rejoice in the storms because they give opportunities for progress. We'd love to work with you if you're going through a hard patch and need some extra help. At B. Well, we think that you already have everything you need…we just help you find it! Here's to a fantastic week ahead. Take advantage of the pleasant weather!

How do you trust God in the midst of a storm?

Even knowing that He is God in the midst of the storm isn't always enough, and we begin to have doubts. In the midst of a storm, how do you trust God?

  • To your heavenly Father, pour out your heart. He already knows how you're feeling and what's on your mind, so start talking about it. It's fine to be enraged, hurt, and confused. As long as these things don't turn into bitter roots, we'll be safe from God.
  • Remember that God hears and answers every request, and that He does it on His timeline, not ours, and not always with the answer we want.
  • Pray, read your Bible, and start praying from the passages. (Prayer is a fantastic resource.)

How does Jesus calm the storm?

According to the Gospels, Jesus and his followers were sailing across the Sea of Galilee one evening. Suddenly, a violent storm erupted, with the waves crashing over the boat, nearly swamping it. The disciples awoke Jesus, who was sleeping on a cushion in the stern, and questioned, “Teacher, don't you care if we drown?” The Gospel of Mark goes on to say:

He awoke and scolded the wind, saying to the waves, “Goodbye! Keep your cool!” The wind died away, and there was complete silence. He addressed them by saying, “What makes you so afraid? Have you lost your faith?” “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” they wondered, as they were overcome with astonishment.

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What do you do in the midst of the storm?

I've compiled a list of a few daily activities and routines that have shown to be beneficial to me on my journey. I hope these clear things up for you.

1. Rely on your buddies

Relationships are a basic human requirement. It's difficult to have a happy, content existence if you don't have good people in your life.

Make a list of the people with whom you spend your time. Do they make you feel full? Are they assisting you and providing you with information on your journey? Would you trust them to be your single companion on your quest to discover your true self?

This may appear harsh, but as the Jewish wisdom tradition states, “The land I am delivering you to (Promised Land) will be nothing like the one you are leaving (Egypt).”

To put it another way, if you want to change your life, you'll have to let go of the one you have. To transform into your true self, you'll have to shed the skin of your old self.

I've had to swallow my pride and seek for aid from people closest to me during the last month. Fortunately, I have an incredible fiancé and a network of friends who have always supported me.

Your most precious asset is your human capital. Obtain it and cultivate it accordingly.

2. Mantra/Meditation on a Daily Basis

One of my favorite books is Kamal Ravikant's Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It. Kamal shares the story of how his life fell apart and how he was able to put it back together by following one simple rule: unconditional love for himself.

“I love myself,” he would chant every second of every day. I'm proud of myself. “I'm proud of myself.”

He was on his last leg when he started this practice. Despondent and depressed. He couldn't leave his room. He was transformed after just a few weeks of obeying this one guideline.

This is true for all transformations. That which we would cling to so fiercely out of fear of being nothing without it pales in comparison to what lies ahead.

So, in order to test whether I could get similar results, I created my own mantra, which I repeat to myself over and over.

It's worth a shot. Find a sentence that, if you believed it, would change everything in your life.

3. It's all about the mind, body, and soul.

These, in my opinion, are the three buckets of life that must be filled on a regular basis in order for a person to remain vibrant. Even if I only fill up two, I still feel empty and unfinished.

The Soul bucket, on the other hand, is the most potent. So, if you only have one bucket to fill each day, start with your Soul.

Here are some of the things I do on a daily basis to keep my buckets full. When I accomplish these three things, my life returns to normal in a matter of days.

Prayer, writing, being in nature, laughing, playing, and being with friends are all good for the soul.

4. It'll All Be Over Soon

Another habit I've added to my life in the last few weeks to help me get through the rigors of job hunting is to remind myself that “This, too, shall pass.”

I'm not sure if you're spiritual or religious, but knowing that something greater than me is guiding my actions helps me trust the process.

Instead than stressing about the company name, pay, or title, I've been concentrating on the aspects of the process that I can control and leave the rest to God/Source/Universe.

5. Make Someone Else's Life Easier

When someone is going through a difficult time, the best thing they can do is take a step back and notice how much they are focusing on themselves.

This should not be used as an excuse to beat oneself up, but rather as motivation to do something kind for someone else every day.

According to the myth of redemptive violence, one cannot be cured or corrected by destroying another. To be truly transformed, one must love another.

It's amazing how much this reality will assist you in moving your life in the direction you desire.

What does Psalms 27 say?

David's Psalm 27 Whom shall I fear if the LORD is my light and my salvation? Whom shall I fear if the LORD is the stronghold of my life? They will slip and fall when evil men march against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and foes attack me.

What are the causes of storm?

A thunderstorm is a powerful, short-lived meteorological disturbance marked by lightning, thunder, dense clouds, heavy rain or hail, and strong gusty winds. Thunderstorms form when warm, wet air rises in a massive, quick updraft to cooler areas of the atmosphere, forming layers of warm, moist air. The liquid in the updraft condenses there, forming massive cumulonimbus clouds and, eventually, precipitation. Cooled air columns then fall to the ground, causing severe downdrafts and horizontal winds. Electrical charges build up on cloud particles at the same moment (water droplets and ice). Lightning strikes when the electric charge in the atmosphere builds up to a critical level. Lightning heats the air it passes through so swiftly and fiercely that it becomes combustible.

How do you survive a storm of life?

Here are ten tips for weathering life's storms.

  • Discipline. The old adage “he folded like a cheap tent” refers to a clear lack of self-control.
  • Courage. Leaders come in many shapes and sizes, but they all share one quality: courage.