Rather than listening to the doubts and complaints that flood our brains, we must learn to express the truth to ourselves. “Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name,” David said in Psalm 103:1-2. Praise the LORD, my soul, and remember all of his blessings.” David reminded himself to thank God and to remember all of God's benefits. To ourselves, we must affirm God's truth. As a Christian, for example, God has promised that nothing will be able to separate me from God's love (Romans 8:38-39).
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What does spiritual dryness feel like?
Spiritual dryness, a state of feeling exhausted or empty, can occur during wilderness seasons. Reading the Bible and praying feel rote and monotonous. Your enthusiasm and enthusiasm for God and life have diminished. You're perplexed, befuddled, and exhausted.
What is spiritual dryness in the Bible?
Spiritual dryness is defined by the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) as a difficulty encountered in one's prayer life that might lead to despondency. Dryness might reveal a lack of “rootedness” in the faith, but it can also be an opportunity to hold to God more tightly. The CCC refers to the seed that fell on the rocks in the Parable of the Sower, as well as the Gospel of John's Grain of Wheat metaphor. It's a type of “passive purification,” according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, with the result being “the purifying of love, until the soul is so burned with love of God that it feels as though wounded and languishes with the longing to adore Him even more intensely.”
As shown above, the theme of spiritual dryness can be found throughout the Book of Job, the Psalms, the Prophets' experiences, and many sections of the New Testament.
How do you become spiritually revived?
What does it mean to resurrect? Simply expressed, it means “to restore the functionality or validity of anything.” So, what about your spirit has become inactive or has lost its validity? Here's a simple test to see if you're ready: Do you find yourself ruminating on minor irritations in your daily life? Do you have a hard time recalling the last time you felt truly happy?
It's possible that your inner spirit requires a “waking,” and spring is an excellent time to assess your situation and take steps toward a more positive, anxiety-free outlook!
Here are three suggestions to help you rekindle your spirit, as well as “5 Inspiring Quotes” from our Cancer Fighters members to get you started.
1. Work on your core
Our entire being is conditioned to perform better emotionally, mentally, and physically when we focus on growing our spirit, the core of who we are. Some exercises to build your spiritual core may include the following, depending on your personal interests:
Any action that brings you closer to rather than further away from your thoughts and feelings might help you live more cheerfully in the present moment. These activities are referred to as “mindfulness” by some specialists. Mindfulness has been shown to increase overall mood, boost emotional, physical, and social well-being, and reduce anxiety, despair, and rage, according to several studies published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Percy McCray, Jr., Director of Faith-Based Programs at Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), warns what can happen if we don't take the time to build our spiritual health in his blog, Revive Yourself, Your Spirit, and Your Health.
“It's critical to take a breath and reflect. If we don't, we'll waste our time shopping, eating, drinking, and socializing in vain attempts to resurrect our spirits.” “Instead of re-energizing us, these pleasures might leave us feeling languid and aimless,” explains Rev. Percy. Every human, however, has a thirst, hunger, and yearning for true meaning, value, and purpose in life.
2. Re-establish (or re-establish) healthy relationships
Living with cancer provides many people a new perspective, one that prioritizes relationships over all else. Given the stress of a cancer diagnosis and treatment, it's not unexpected that problems in relationships, particularly between couples, occur frequently. “Fight the cancer, not each other,” says Michael Uhl, MA, MDiv, LMFT, a Mind-Body Therapist at CTCA in Zion, Illinois. He suggests the following ideas for constructing a house:
- Maintain open channels of communication and draw on previous expertise. Whenever a crisis occurs, make an effort to improve communication. Mutual understanding, not necessarily agreement, should be the goal. It may be painful to discuss feelings, yet it is unshared feelings that cause relationships to suffer.
- Make sure you have a strong support system in place. Bringing friends and other family members on board might provide a much-needed reprieve from caregiving obligations, even if your partner is ready to do it all. Both patients and caregivers require “down time” to manage the plethora of experiences and emotions that accompany cancer treatment, recovery, and survivorship.
- Speak with a therapist who has experience with cancer. Speaking with an unbiased therapist who has worked with other cancer patients can assist couples in expressing their emotions and confirming that the sentiments they are experiencing are normal. Discussing all of the emotionsfear, anger, and griefeither together or separately brings them to the surface and aids in the development of useful coping mechanisms.
Relationships with people you care about a spouse, family, or close friends and doing things you both enjoy are stimulating. They have a regenerating and restoring effect.
3. Control Your Thoughts
What do you think about when you're not working? It's only normal for people to inquire “When confronted with a catastrophic sickness, one would wonder, “Why me?” Focusing on this question, on the other hand, can leave you feeling stuck and frustrated. Focusing your thoughts on things that give you hope, on the other hand, might make you feel empowered and revitalize your spirit.
We invited members of our Cancer Fighters group, many of whom are cancer survivors, to provide encouraging remarks “It lifts their spirits.” The following are five of them “To motivate you, here are some “Inspiring Quotes”:
“According to Ardua.”
This Latin phrase translates to “The McIntyre family motto is “despite trials.” Richard A. McIntyre, Hanover Township, Pennsylvania, shared this.
“God is in control of the cancer; the cancer is not in control of me!” Viola Jones of Olathe, Kansas, shared this.
David Brown and Kathy Mosley, a patient and caregiver from Fairbanks, Alaska, believe one of Baha'u'llah's Baha'i prayers in the Baha'i Prayer book brings them much comfort and peace:
“O my God, memory of Thee is my remedy, and Thy name is my mending.
My aim is to be near Thee, and my companion is love for Thee.
Thy mercy to me is my salvation and healing in both this world and the next.
“Truly, you are the All-Abundant, the All-Knowing, and the All-Wise.”
Kimalea Conrad, a cancer survivor from Telluride, Colorado, says Bible verses inspire her; one of her favorites is the one below. “To me, this verse signifies that cancer has no ability to make me terrified unless I allow it,” Conrad explains.
“God did not give us a fearful spirit, but a spirit of strength, love, and self-control.” Revelation 2:7
Surviving cancer typically demands a heroic amount of physical, mental, and spiritual courage, as any survivor or caregiver knows. “Rev. Percy believes that connecting to a greater source of power can bring that balance, stability, and grounding. “Many of us overlook the most obvious sources of meaning, worth, and purpose: service, forgiveness, hope, peace, and faith. Connecting to these global forces of empowerment is, in many ways, the simplest method to rekindle our spirit.”
What causes spiritual emptiness?
Spiritual emptiness was a major problem in the educated European middle class, according to Austrian philosopher/educator Rudolf Steiner (18611925). He claimed that European culture had become “empty of spirit” and “ignorant of the demands, the conditions, that are required for the life of the spirit” in his 1919 lectures. Due to the “absence of will from the life of thought,” people experienced a “spiritual emptiness” and their thinking became distinguished by a “lazy passivity.” People would “let their thoughts to take hold of them” in modern Europe, according to Steiner, and these thoughts would increasingly be filled with abstraction and “pure, natural scientific thinking.” The educated middle classes began to think in a “devoid of spirit” manner, with their thoughts getting “dimmer and darker,” and their spirits becoming increasingly empty.
According to Louis Dupré, a Yale University philosophy professor, the “spiritual emptiness of our day is a sign of its religious poverty.” Many people, he claims, “never experience any emptiness: they are too busy to feel much absence of any kind”; they only realize their spiritual emptiness when “painful personal experiences the death of a loved one, the breakdown of a marriage, the alienation of a child, the failure of a business” shock them into reassessing their sense of meaning.
Juvenile violence has been linked to spiritual emptiness. In his 1999 book How Juvenile Violence Begins: Spiritual Emptiness, John C. Thomas claims that kids in impoverished indigenous communities who are feeling meaningless may turn to fighting and aggressive crime to fill their void. In his 1999 book Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them, Cornell University professor James Garbarino believes that “neglect, humiliation, spiritual emptiness, alienation, anger, and access to guns are a few of the factors common to violent boys.” According to Garbarino, a professor of human development, violent males have “alienation from positive role models” and “a spiritual vacuum that fosters hopelessness.” The violent fantasy of American gun culture seduces these children, providing negative role models of tough, aggressive males who use power to obtain what they want. He thinks that giving boys a “feeling of purpose” and “spiritual anchors” that can “anchor boys in empathy and socially engaged moral thought” can benefit them.
Addiction is frequently linked to spiritual emptiness, particularly by Christian-influenced addiction organizations and counsellors. One of the effects of alcoholism, according to Bill Wilson, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, is that heavy drinkers experience a spiritual emptiness. In his book Addictive Thinking: Understanding Self-Deception, published in 1997, Abraham J. Twerski contends that when people are spiritually empty, they typically turn to addictive activities to fill the emptiness. Unlike an empty stomach, which is a distinct sensation, spiritual emptiness is difficult to pinpoint, leaving persons with a feeling of “vague disquiet.” While some people try to fill the void by excessively having sex, overeating, or abusing drugs or alcohol, these habits only provide brief relief. When a person in crisis because of spiritual emptiness is able to stop one addiction, such as obsessive sex, they frequently replace it with another, such as gambling or overeating.
How do you solve spiritual problems?
When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, he discovered a slew of issues. While most people remember Nehemiah for his leadership in repairing the walls of Jerusalem, he also demonstrated spiritual leadership. Nehemiah recalls the myriad spiritual challenges the people still facedand how he handled themin the last chapter of his record, drawing on the good will and esteem he had earned previously. While we may not face the same problems today, today's problem solvers require the same talents as Nehemiah.
- Problem solvers build their solutions on the foundation of God's Word (Neh. 13:1-3). People who are solution-oriented foster a culture that values the truth of God's Word, establishing the standard by which all problems will be appraised and all solutions will be derived. Instead of resorting to either the expectations of the congregation or their own past practice, problem solvers make God's Word the consistent judge by which they assess all things, rather than bringing it up when it's convenient or using it to justify a personal perspective.
- Sinful situations are not tolerated by problem solvers; they are addressed and changed (Neh. 13:4-9). The first step is to preach about a sin or a doctrinal issue. Solutions-oriented thinking exposes people who are to blame and offers spiritual alternatives to harmful practices. It'll probably take some time and a lot of knowledge, but focusing on the long-term godly solution makes the effort and patience worthwhile. A leader, on the other hand, who fails to rectify erroneous behaviors out of fear of receiving complaints or losing numbers isn't really leading at all.
- Problem solvers pick up on minor details that point to greater concerns (Neh. 13:10). Problem solutions does not always entail identifying flaws. Recognizing when something or someone is absent is a big part of it. People that are solution-oriented look for ways to include people who have previously been disregarded. They pick up on leadership inconsistencies immediately, which create a distrustful environment. They are aware of the ramifications of minor details, allowing them to work in principle to correct critical errors.
- When the leadership is in the wrong, problem solvers stand up to them (Neh. 13:11). In many congregations of the Lord's church today, we have come to accept an incorrect concept of authority. While people accept the Bible as the ultimate authority in theory, they frequently defer to the leadership in practiceeven when those leaders are behaving in direct opposition to the Bible. Instead of sitting on their hands as if they can do nothing, solution-oriented people take a stand against leadership when the leaders themselves are sinning.
- Problem solvers look for people who are willing to rise to the occasion to meet the issues that God's people confront (Neh. 13:12-13). People who value solutions over the status quo are always on the hunt for others who share their values. True solutions, on the other hand, necessitate consistency rather than change. As a result, issue solvers must not only discover people who are open to change, but also those who are devoted to doing what is better and right.
- Problem solvers work for the glory of God, for the good of God's people, and for the future of God's people (Neh. 13:14). The American corporate culture has had an adverse impact on how many Christians see church work and those who work especially with the church. A preacher who sees himself as the congregation's stooge will be unable to assist them in resolving their issues. Only by looking at his work from a divine viewpoint and with eternity in mind will a man be able to rise above the employee mindset and accomplish what is best for people, even if those impacted are unaware of it right away.
- People who commit sin are chastised by problem solvers (Neh. 13:15-18). If you refuse to acknowledge a problem, you will not be able to solve it. You must first eliminate the problem before you can find a solution. Unfortunately, the most common response to difficulties these days is to try to wait them out, talk them out, or ignore them entirely. People that are solution-oriented see that these aren't exactly solutions, but rather attempts to shift the problem down the road. We cannot be spiritual leaders unless we are strong enough to correct others who are in sin.
- Problem solvers come up with ways to keep the same problems from recurring (Neh. 13:19-22). Some people act as if yelling and whining about an issue, pointing fingers at people, and bullying them until they give in is the same as problem solving. It isn't the case. People who are solution-oriented not only address the issue, but they also have the vision to devise a feasible solution that incorporates people in a positive way and includes safeguards to avoid the problem from recurring.
- Because they realize that personal and congregational concerns are intertwined, problem solvers handle both (Neh. 13:23-28). A congregation's spiritual health is only as good as its members' daily lives. Leaders who assess the health of a congregation only on the basis of Sunday attendance and sermons are not shepherding sheep; they are monitoring the congregation. Because the problems that most affect people are personal, solution-oriented persons must be prepared to offer personal solutions to people both inside and beyond the congregation.
- Problem solvers do not make concessions. They purify, correct, and implore (Neh. 13:29-31). You can't fix a problem unless you're ready to handle every aspect of it, eliminate the factors that contribute to the problem, and put forth all of the necessary steps to find a solution. Unfortunately, many people are satisfied with doing merely a portion of each. This is not a viable option. It's a half-hearted attempt to persuade others (and possibly ourselves) that we're doing anything, in the hopes of being judged on our effort rather than our output.
We live in a world that is full of issues. We know from personal experience that we all confront a variety of issues. As a result, we must accept that congregations will face difficulties. Accepting the reality of problems, on the other hand, is only the first step. We must prepare ourselves to address the problem, remedy the problem, and then move on from it, or we will not be able to truly solve the situation. This is something that solution-oriented individuals are aware of, which is why more preachers and elders need to become solution-oriented.
What does God say about emptiness?
Symptoms of empty spirits include empty bellies, empty lifestyles, empty dreams, and empty motivation. While emptiness is unpleasant, it may also be a benefit if it is dealt with wisely. Even though everything around us stays in empty, emptiness is a wake-up call to go to God, who is the only One who can change emptiness into fullness and fill us with His fullness and blessing.
What does the Bible say about dry seasons?
When I'm fearful or depressed, I lift my hands in prayer and thank God for healing that I haven't yet seen manifest. The benefits are immediate: my spirits lift, and a sensation of calm washes over me. As long as I keep my eyes on God and not on my circumstances, I remember that He is in charge.
I feel God has been revealing me the spiritual underpinnings underlying the Israelites' triumph over the stronghold city of Jericho in Joshua 6 to underline the significance of worshiping Him before a breakthrough.
I'm amazed at how the Israelites, led by Joshua, yelled before the walls of Jericho went down: this required more confidence than rejoicing after seeing God hand them the city (Joshua 6:16).
I admire how the Israelites believed God had granted them victory over their foes before seeing it.
This season has taught me the importance of language. If I praise God prior to a successful recovery, I know that my words will not go unnoticed, but will serve the aim of reviving my health (Isaiah 55:11).
How does God refresh my soul?
Every cry of the heart has a response from God. The Father will “send us another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor Counsellor, Strengthener, Standby),” as Jesus says in John 14:16 (AMP).
We're already dehydrated by the time we're thirsty. This holds true for our spiritual lives as well. But finding refreshment in Him is not difficult; all we have to do is position ourselves to receive it.
Our refreshment is directly proportional to the level of our repentance.
“So repent and turn to God, and your sins will be forgiven, and the Lord will send you times of refreshing.” 3:19 (NASB)
The narrative of Gideon is told in Judges 6:124. The Israelites were bad in the eyes of the Lord, according to verse 1, thus the Lord delivered them to the Midianites for seven years.
In verse 6, they say: “cried out to the Lord for assistance.”
God responded by sending them Gideon, a rescuer.
The Holy Spirit refreshes us like a refreshing shower, washing away the dirt that has accumulated on us as a result of living life without God. It could be anything from tension and stress to sadness and grief as a result of difficult circumstances.
To wipe things away, we must acknowledge God and repent before Him, just as the Israelites did.
Repentance entails making a 180-degree reversal and beginning to live life God's way rather than our own.
Our refreshment is greater than our reality.
When the angel of the Lord appears to Gideon in verses 11-14, his initial instinct is to protest and inform him that God has abandoned the Israelites. Gideon, on the other hand, presses the Lord's angel to persuade him that he is the Lord. In verses 14-24, we see how the Lord reveals His strength, instilling faith in Gideon that he and his people have a future. Gideon was able to substitute his image of abandonment for the Lord's promise of future blessing.
(ESV) Isaiah 44:3 God offers nutrition and refreshment by pouring forth His Spirit on us. Our hungry and thirsty hearts can be filled by the Holy Spirit. It's as though water is being poured over a thirsty land when our souls are revived. “The Lord is my shepherd,” says Psalm 23. He takes me to verdant pastures, walks me beside still waters, and refreshes my spirit.”
Our refreshment is to go out to bless others.
Peace and hope are brought by the Holy Spirit. We must, however, spread that serenity and blessing to others.
A “generous person will thrive,” according to Proverbs 11:25, and “whoever refreshes others will be rejuvenated.” It's another example of the Biblical sowing and reaping idea. We receive a blessing of refreshment when we replenish others.
- Discuss a time when the Holy Spirit blessed you by filling you up after answering to a cry from your heart.
- Use this opportunity to pray with anyone in the group who is spiritually parched and in need of the Holy Spirit's refreshment.
How do you refresh your soul?
You have a deadline to meet, but you're feeling unproductive and stressed? You can't seem to concentrate and nothing goes as planned? You appear to be in need of a fast re-energize. You can always take 15 minutes to refuel and rejuvenate yourself, even if you are too busy.
To feel good and operate with a lot of energy, it's critical to renew your soul and intellect. Here are 11 techniques to cleanse your soul and mind in just 15 minutes that you may do every day!
Keep yourself hydrated by drinking one glass of water
If you drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, your brain and body will be jolted out of their slumber. When you're stressed, drinking one glass of water can help you feel better and stay focused. It's critical to stay hydrated because dehydration can impair brain function.
Are you startled by this information? Most Americans, according to studies, are chronically dehydrated. Half of your body weight in ounces every day, according to scientists. A 120-pound woman, for example, should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water. Although juice, tea, and coffee are more flavorful than water, they cannot substitute for it. If the flavor isn't to your liking, add some mint leaves or lemon slices.