Do Soulmate Relationships Last

Sometimes soulmate relationships can last a lifetime, while other times they are too powerful and must be ended.

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How long do soulmate relationships last?

This is a frequently asked question, and it leads us back to Andora's predicament. People assume that a soulmate connection should continue forever and be problem-free because of movies, pop music, and romance books, and that if it doesn't, it isn't a soulmate. Yes, any relationship might last forever if we include the “lifetime” of genuine souls, which do not die. However, this is obviously not conceivable in terms of our human experience of another.

Connections with soulmates can endure a lifetime, but karma mates can as well (though this is less common). It all depends on the agreement and the desires of the two spirits. And no relationship, if it has any depth, is without obstacles and challenges.

When we looked into the agreement between Andora and her ex, Damon, I discovered that Andora was correct in her belief that they were soulmates. Another indicator was their synchronized meeting, which had the hallmark of instant familiarity.

They had come together to grow through love and the loss of that love, according to the reading. Andora's soul had offered to assist her in experiencing the transformative power of grief and forgiveness, and Damon had agreed to assist her as a soulmate. Andora and Damon had accomplished exactly what they desired on a soul level, even if it didn't make sense to her emotions.

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Do soulmates break up?

Breaking up with a soulmate isn't the end of the world, even if it may feel that way at the time. “Most individuals learn the most valuable lessons in life through terrible situations, and breaking up with a soulmate is no exception,” Connie Omari, LPC, author and psychotherapist, tells Bustle.

Are soulmates meant to be forever?

Buddhists claim: “If you meet someone and your heart races, your hands shake, and your knees weaken, you haven't met the right person. You'll feel at ease when you meet your soulmate. “There is no agitation or anxiousness.”

You grow up hearing “soulmate” and “life partner” used interchangeably to describe the person you marry and want to spend the rest of your life with. You're taught how to discover love, not compatibility, when it comes to finding your soulmate. That's why so many people are either devastated by the loss of someone they were never meant to be with in the first place, or stay on to bad relationships: they believe their soulmate connections are their eternal loves.

Soulmates serve one of two purposes: they are either here to sustain us as soul family, or they are people with whom we have such powerful emotional reactions that they reveal themselves to us and help us grow. Soulmates are mirror images of ourselves: what we admire in them, we admire in ourselves. We can't see what we can't stand in our soulmates in ourselves yet. The divine aim of soulmates is to awaken us, and many romantic soulmates achieve just that: they are passionate, transient, temporary love assignments that help you grow profoundly. They are the people who compare you to your everlasting love, not your forever love.

Your eternal love is one of your soulmates, but what sets them distinct is that your forever love is the only person who will never hurt you. People believe that if you truly love something, you should let it go and if it returns, it was always yours. Your everlasting love shouldn't have done that in the first place. Your lifelong love should not have any doubts about their want to be with you, nor should they make a game out of it “Are they for you or aren't they?”

Your everlasting love shouldn't cause more than a few growing pangs. Sure, you'll say, and yes, your eternal love should motivate you to achieve your goals, but that's all they should do: motivate you to be better, not shatter your heart in the process.

Your lifelong love should be the one with whom you may vent, not the person with whom you must vent. They should be the person who makes you feel 100% free to be yourself, rather than the person who makes you feel compelled to change. They should be your best friend as well as your spouse, someone with whom you feel at ease enough to spend every day.

And, maybe most crucially, you should be able to spend every day with them. You should want to be with them every day. Your lifelong love is the one with whom you will spend every vacation, holiday, and birthday; they are the person who will assist you to the restroom while you are in the hospital. You're not with the correct person if you can't spend a lot of time with them before becoming annoyed, agitated, or needing a break.

We must stop celebrating pain in this way. Stop telling them that the person who hurts you the most will be the one who loves you the most. Don't waste your time with someone who isn't sure about you to begin with. Spend as little time as possible with someone who makes you feel anything than entire and happy. True love – the type you've ever dreamed of – does exist, but it won't come in the shape of the person who never truly loved you in the first place.

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Does soulmate mean love?

A soulmate is someone with whom you have a natural or profound connection. Similarity, love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, compatibility, and trust are all examples of this.

Where do soulmates meet?

If you're anything like me, you'll look like a clammy, wet trainwreck after every workout. The gym isn't the place to flaunt your gorgeous side, but you don't have to look like a swan all of the time if you're serious about someone. If there's a regular at the gym you'd want to meet, go up to him or her when you're ready. Not to go all schoolgirl on you, but if approaching strangers makes you anxious, bring a friend with you. You're not the only one who feels this way.

How often do soulmates get back together?

We've all heard about that one couple who has an on-again, off-again relationship. Sometimes all you want to do is send them a handbook to a more intelligent breakup. Those wishy-washy romantics, on the other hand, might be onto something: About half of all couples get back together after a breakup, according to a recent study, and the reason for this is because they were unsure about breaking up in the first place.

While it's common sense to keep away from an old flame after breaking up, some people can persuade themselves that there are valid reasons to get back together. Couples who got back together felt their partner had changed for the better or that they would be better at communicating, according to a 2013 Kansas State University study that found nearly half of all couples reconcile. However, subsequent study reveals that their reason is more mundane.

Researchers from the University of Utah and the University of Toronto questioned people about why they might desire to stay in or quit their relationship in a series of experiments just published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. Optimism (hoping that the spouse will change), emotional commitment in the relationship, familial obligations, and dread of the uncertainty that would follow were all popular reasons for wanting to stay. The majority of people (66 percent) stated that they wanted to stay with their partner because of the intimacy and dependence they had formed over time.

People who wanted to end a relationship mentioned emotional distance, a loss of trust, and general incompatibility as reasons (frequent fighting). And more than a third of those polled (38 percent) said they wanted to leave because their partner had been unfaithful. Despite their unfavorable thoughts, 49% of those thinking about leaving had mixed feelings about traveling. The findings, according to the researchers, are consistent with the fact that around half of divorced spouses reconcile.

How does it feel to lose a soulmate?

It feels as if all the strings inside you are breaking, as if you don't know who you are or where you're going from here. As though a piece of your soul had been taken away. ‘It's not the end of the world,' your pals will tell you. However, it feels precisely how it was.

What a soulmate connection feels like?

A soul tie is just the feeling that another soul is present in your life for a reason. For example, if your life is extremely hectic and you meet a new potential friend or business partner, the feeling that you share a soul connection with this person may motivate you to make time in your schedule for the relationship. If a friend says they have to give up their pet because they have to move overseas unexpectedly, your clairsentient, or feeling, psychic pathway may give you the impression that you have a soul tie with this animal and that adopting it into your house is the proper thing to do for both of you. Soul ties might be thought of as the ties that bind, like in Bruce Springsteen's song!

What's the difference between a soulmate and a life partner?

Someone who comes into your life to teach, push, and transcend you into a higher state of consciousness and being is known as a soulmate. A life mate is someone you can trust and rely on for the rest of your life. Another distinction is observed in soulmate and life partner relationships.

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